[PYTHON] [AWS] I made a reminder BOT with LINE WORKS (implementation)

LINEWORKS Advent Calendar Day 14

This time, I will introduce the implementation of the reminder BOT introduced in LINE WORKS Advent Calendar Day 7.

[Repost] BOT screen and overall configuration


The reminder BOT consists of three Lambdas and is implemented in Python3.7.

①. Processing of messages sent from LINE WORKS and notification to SQS ②. Polling events stored in the table and notifying SQS ③. Notify the LINE WORKS server of the message received from SQS

This time, I will focus on ①.

State transition table and message list

The BOT exchange with the user is expressed in the state transition table. The reminder BOT handles the following four events.

--User participation --Occurs when a user adds a BOT --Text input --User can enter arbitrary text for BOT --Press the event input button --Press "Event Registration" displayed in the menu in BOT --Press the event output button --Press "Event Reference" displayed in the menu in BOT


It manages four states for each user event. The BOT responds to the user with a message that corresponds to the user event and the state of the BOT. The content of the message is defined as a message list.

Lambda implementation

Now, let's implement the main subject of Lambda.

The first is the overall processing of the Lambda function. Call your own ʻon_event function, which is responsible for validating the request body and processing the main message. Request body validation is based on the value of x-works-signature` in the header.


import os
import json
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
import hashlib
import hmac

import reminderbot

API_ID = os.environ.get("API_ID")

def validate(payload, signature):
    x-works-Signature validation

    key = API_ID.encode("utf-8")
    payload = payload.encode("utf-8")

    encoded_body = hmac.new(key, payload, hashlib.sha256).digest()
    encoded_base64_body = b64encode(encoded_body).decode()

    return encoded_base64_body == signature

def handler(event, context):
main function

    #Request body validation
    if not validate(event["body"], event["headers"].get("x-works-signature")):
        return {
            "statusCode": 400,
            "body": "Bad Request",
            "headers": {
                "Content-Type": "application/json"

    body = json.loads(event["body"])

    #Main message processing

    return {
        "statusCode": 200,
        "body": "OK",
        "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}

Next is the on_event function. Define the four states, four user events, and message list defined in advance with constants.


import os

import json
import datetime
import dateutil.parser
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

import boto3
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr

#Define four states based on the state transition table
STATUS_NO_USER = "no_user"
STATUS_WATING_FOR_BUTTON_PUSH = "status_waiting_for_button_push"
STATUS_WATING_FOR_NAME_INPUT = "status_waiting_for_name_input"
STATUS_WATING_FOR_TIME_INPUT = "status_waiting_for_time_input"

#Defined based on message list
    "Hello, I remind bot. Press the menu button.",
    "Please enter the event name",
    "Press the menu button.",
    "Click here for the details of the event!",
    "Please enter the event time.",
    "Completion of registration!",
    "It's an error. Please enter it again.",

#Define user event as postback event
#When registering the BOT menu, make it the same as the value of the following postback event.
POSTBACK_PUSH_PUT_EVENT_BUTTON = "push_put_event_button"
POSTBACK_PUSH_GET_EVENT_BUTTON = "push_get_event_button"

#Table that manages status
dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb")
table = dynamodb.Table("lineworks-sample-table")

def on_event(event):
Handling the entire bot event

    account_id = event["source"]["accountId"]
    content = event["content"]

    postback =  content.get("postback") or "message"

    #Check the current status of the user
    response = table.get_item(
            "Hash": "status_" + account_id,
            "Range": "-"

    status = STATUS_NO_USER
    message = None
    if response.get("Item") is not None:
        status = response.get("Item")["Status"]
    #Each user event(postback)Branch processing for each
        if postback == POSTBACK_START:
            message = on_join(account_id, status)

        elif postback == POSTBACK_MESSAGE:
            text = content["text"]
            message = on_message(account_id, status, text)

        elif postback == POSTBACK_PUSH_PUT_EVENT_BUTTON:
            message = on_pushed_put_event_button(account_id, status)

        elif postback == POSTBACK_PUSH_GET_EVENT_BUTTON:
            message = on_pushed_get_event_button(account_id, status)

    except Exception as e:
        message = MESSAGE_LIST[6]
    #Notify SQS of message content
    sqs = boto3.resource("sqs")
    queue = sqs.get_queue_by_name(QueueName="lineworks-message-queue")
                "content": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": message,
                "account_id": account_id,

    return True

Finally, the implementation of processing for each event. In each event, branch processing for each state is implemented based on the state transition table. Duplicate processing is summarized.

def on_join(account_id, status):
Event handling when adding a bot

    #Branch processing according to status
    if status == STATUS_NO_USER:

                "Hash": "status_" + account_id,
                "Range": "-",
                "Status": STATUS_WATING_FOR_BUTTON_PUSH,
        return MESSAGE_LIST[0]

                "Hash": "status_" + account_id,
                "Range": "-"
                "Hash": "status_" + account_id,
                "Range": "-",
                "Status": STATUS_WATING_FOR_BUTTON_PUSH,
        return MESSAGE_LIST[0]

def on_message(account_id, status, text):
Handling of events when entering text


                "Hash": "status_" + account_id,
                "Range": "-",
                "Status": STATUS_WATING_FOR_BUTTON_PUSH,
        return MESSAGE_LIST[2]

    elif status == STATUS_WATING_FOR_NAME_INPUT:

                "Hash": "status_" + account_id,
                "Range": "-",
            UpdateExpression="set #st = :s, Title = :t",
           	ExpressionAttributeNames = {
                "#st": "Status" #Status is a reserved word#Replace with st
                ":s": STATUS_WATING_FOR_TIME_INPUT,
                ":t": text,
        return MESSAGE_LIST[4]

    elif status == STATUS_WATING_FOR_TIME_INPUT:

        # dateutil.Convert dates with parser
        time_dt = dateutil.parser.parse(text)
        time = time_dt.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

        response = table.get_item(
                "Hash": "status_" + account_id,
                "Range": "-",

                "Hash": "event_" + account_id,
                "Range": time,
                "Title": response["Item"]["Title"],
                # utc ->Take a 9-hour difference for Japan time conversion
                # utc ->Original plan+Set to delete after 1h
                "ExpireTime": int((time_dt - relativedelta(hours=9) + relativedelta(hours=1)).timestamp()),
                "SentFlag": False

                "Hash": "status_" + account_id,
                "Range": "-",
                "Status": STATUS_WATING_FOR_BUTTON_PUSH,

        return MESSAGE_LIST[5]

def on_pushed_put_event_button(account_id, status):
Event processing when the "Event registration" button is pressed

                "Hash": "status_" + account_id,
                "Range": "-",
                "Status": STATUS_WATING_FOR_NAME_INPUT,
        return MESSAGE_LIST[1]
    elif status == STATUS_WATING_FOR_NAME_INPUT:

        return MESSAGE_LIST[1]
    elif status == STATUS_WATING_FOR_TIME_INPUT:

                "Hash": "status_" + account_id,
                "Range": "-",
                "Status": STATUS_WATING_FOR_NAME_INPUT,
        return MESSAGE_LIST[1]

def on_pushed_get_event_button(account_id, status):
Event processing when the "Event reference" button is pressed

    current_jst_time = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + relativedelta(hours=9)).strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

    #event acquisition process
    response = table.query(
        KeyConditionExpression=Key("Hash").eq("event_" + account_id) & Key("Range").gt(current_jst_time)

    items = response["Items"] or []
    message = MESSAGE_LIST[3]

    if len(items) == 0:
        message += "\n-----"
        message += "\n None"
        message += "\n-----"

    for item in items:

        message += "\n-----"
        message += "\n title: {title}".format(title=item["Title"]) 
        message += "\n date and time: {time}".format(time=item["Range"]) 
        message += "\n-----"
    return message


What kind of processing should be implemented at each event by creating a state transition table? I was able to implement it without hesitation because it became clear which message should be returned.

This time, it was a simple app, so the number of states and events is small, but I think that the state transition table will be more useful if you try to make BOT perform more complicated processing.

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