Let's make a breakout with wxPython


A video by Google Deepmind that applies Deep Q Learning to ATARI's Break Out to capture it has become popular. (The video is here) I decided to try this myself, and I thought it would be useful later, so I started by making a breakout by myself. The reason I used wxPython was because I wanted the Deep Learning library to be used later to be Python-based.

There is still a long way to go before deep Q-learning, but I wrote an article with the hope that it would be helpful in creating animation apps using wxPython.

It requires wxPython to work. The installation method is [here](http://qiita.com/kanlkan/items/5e6f2e63de406f46b3b1#wxpython%E3%81%AE%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B9%E3%83 Please see% 88% E3% 83% BC% E3% 83% AB) and so on.

Source code

It is also posted on GitHub, but it is not so long, so I will post it here as well.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# break-wall.py

import wx
import random
import math

gVersion = "0.8.0"
gGameState = ("INIT","PLAYING","END")
gTimerInterval = 5 # [msec]
gFieldWidth = 640
gFieldHeight = 720
gFieldColor = (230,230,160)
gBarIniPos = (300, 640)
gBarSize = (120, 20)
gBarColor = (90, 170, 90)
gBarSpeed = 12 
gBallRadius = 8
gBallColor = (0, 0, 255)
gIniBallSpeed = 2
gBlkTop = 120
gBlkVCnt = 8
gBlkHCnt = 3
gBlkSize = (80, 40)
gBlkColor = ((255,0,0),(0,255,0),(0,0,255))

class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, wx.ID_ANY, 'Break Wall :' + gVersion, \
                          size=(gFieldWidth + 4, gFieldHeight + 4), \
                          style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE & ~(wx.RESIZE_BORDER | wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX))
        self.main_field = FieldPanel(self)

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onClose)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.onTimer)

        self.timer = wx.Timer(self)

    def onClose(self, event):

    def onTimer(self, event):

class FieldPanel(wx.Panel):
    def __init__(self, parent, pos=(2, 2), size=(gFieldWidth, gFieldHeight)):
        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, pos=pos, size=size)
        self.pos = pos
        self.size = size

        self.bar = Bar(self, gBarIniPos[0], gBarIniPos[1])
        self.ball = Ball(self, gBarIniPos[0], (gBarIniPos[1] - gBallRadius))
        self.blocks = [[Block(i*gBlkSize[0], gBlkTop+j*gBlkSize[1], \
                              gBlkColor[(gBlkVCnt*j+i)%gBlkHCnt]) \
                        for i in range(gBlkVCnt)] for j in range(gBlkHCnt)]
        self.block_exist = [[1 for i in range(gBlkVCnt)] for j in range(gBlkHCnt)]
        self.state = gGameState[0]

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.onPaint)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.onKey)

    def update(self):
    def onPaint(self, event):
        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
        # Paint Bar
        dc.DrawRectangle(self.bar.x, self.bar.y, self.bar.size[0], self.bar.size[1])
        # Paint Ball
        dc.DrawCircle(self.ball.x, self.ball.y, self.ball.radius)
        # Paint Blovks
        for (i, b_list) in enumerate(self.blocks):
            for (j, b) in enumerate(b_list):
                if self.block_exist[i][j] == 1:
                    dc.DrawRectangle(b.x, b.y, b.size[0], b.size[1])

    def onKey(self, event):
        keycode = event.GetKeyCode()
        if keycode == wx.WXK_SPACE:
            if self.state == "INIT":
                self.state = gGameState[1]
            elif self.state == "END":
                self.state = gGameState[0]
        elif (keycode == wx.WXK_LEFT or keycode == ord('H')) and self.state != "END":
        elif (keycode == wx.WXK_RIGHT or keycode == ord('L')) and self.state != "END":

    def initialize(self):
        self.bar.x = gBarIniPos[0]
        self.bar.y = gBarIniPos[1]
        self.ball.x = self.bar.x
        self.ball.y = self.bar.y - self.ball.radius
        self.ball.vec = [0, 0]
        self.block_exist = [[1 for i in range(gBlkVCnt)] for j in range(gBlkHCnt)]

class Bar(object):
    def __init__(self, parent, x, y, size=gBarSize, color=gBarColor, speed=gBarSpeed):
        self.parent = parent
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.size = size
        self.color = color
        self.speed = speed

    def move(self, direction):
        if direction >= 0:
            self.x += self.speed
        elif direction < 0:
            self.x -= self.speed

        if self.x < self.parent.pos[0]:
            self.x = self.parent.pos[0]
        elif self.x > (self.parent.pos[0] + self.parent.size[0] - self.size[0]):
            self.x = self.parent.pos[0] + self.parent.size[0] - self.size[0]

class Ball(object):
    def __init__(self, parent, x, y, radius=gBallRadius, vec=[0.0,0.0], \
                 color=gBallColor, speed=gIniBallSpeed):
        self.parent = parent
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.radius = radius
        self.vec = vec
        self.color = color
        self.speed = speed

    def shoot(self):
        self.parent.state = gGameState[1]
        rand_x = random.randrange(1000, 5000)
        rand_y = random.randrange(2000, 5000)
        self.vec = (-1.0 * float(rand_x)/1000.0, -1.0 * float(rand_y)/1000.0)

    def move(self):
        if self.parent.state == "INIT":
            self.x = self.parent.bar.x
            self.y = self.parent.bar.y - self.radius
        elif self.parent.state == "END":
            unit = self.speed / math.sqrt(pow(self.vec[0],2) + pow(self.vec[1],2))
            self.x += (self.vec[0] * unit)
            self.y += (self.vec[1] * unit)

    def collision(self):
        # Game Over
        if (self.y + self.radius) >= self.parent.size[1]:
            self.parent.state = gGameState[2]
        # Bound at Bar
        if self.x >= self.parent.bar.x and \
           self.x <= (self.parent.bar.x + self.parent.bar.size[0]) and \
           self.y >= (self.parent.bar.y - self.radius) and \
           self.y <  (self.parent.bar.y + self.radius) and \
           self.vec[1] > 0:

            self.vec = [self.vec[0], -1*self.vec[1]]

        # Bound at Frame
        #### left
        if self.vec[0] < 0 and \
           self.x <= (self.parent.pos[0] + self.radius):
            self.vec = [-1*self.vec[0], self.vec[1]]
        #### right
        if self.vec[0] > 0 and \
           self.x >= (self.parent.pos[0] + self.parent.size[0] - self.radius):
            self.vec = [-1*self.vec[0], self.vec[1]]
        #### ceiling 
        if self.y <= (self.parent.pos[1] + self.radius):
            self.vec = [self.vec[0], -1*self.vec[1]]

        # Bound at Blocks
        no_block = 1
        for (i, b_exist_list) in enumerate(self.parent.block_exist):
            for (j, b_exist) in enumerate(b_exist_list):
                if b_exist == 1:
                    no_block = 0
                    tgt_block = self.parent.blocks[i][j]
                    # Ball cross the block edge
                    if self.x > (tgt_block.x - self.radius) and \
                       self.x < (tgt_block.x + tgt_block.size[0] + self.radius) and \
                       self.y > (tgt_block.y - self.radius) and \
                       self.y < (tgt_block.y + tgt_block.size[1] + self.radius):

                        self.parent.block_exist[i][j] = 0
                        # update vec
                        x0 = tgt_block.x + tgt_block.size[0] / 2
                        y0 = tgt_block.y + tgt_block.size[1] / 2
                        k = float(tgt_block.size[1]) / float(tgt_block.size[0])
                        #### top
                        if (self.vec[1] > 0) and \
                           (self.x < x0 and \
                            self.y < (k * (self.x - x0) + y0 - self.radius)) or \
                           (self.x > x0 and \
                            self.y < (-1 * k * (self.x - x0) + y0 - self.radius)):

                            self.vec = [self.vec[0], -1*self.vec[1]]
                        #### bottom
                        elif (self.vec[1] < 0) and \
                             (self.x < x0 and \
                              self.y > (-1 * k * (self.x - x0) + y0 + self.radius)) or \
                             (self.x > x0 and \
                              self.y > (k * (self.x - x0) + y0 + self.radius)):

                            self.vec = [self.vec[0], -1*self.vec[1]]
                        #### left
                        elif (self.vec[0] > 0) and (self.x < x0):
                            self.vec = [-1*self.vec[0], self.vec[1]]
                        ### right
                        elif (self.vec[0] < 0) and (self.x > x0):
                            self.vec = [-1*self.vec[0], self.vec[1]]


        if no_block == 1:
            # Game Clear
            self.parent.state = gGameState[2]

class Block(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y, color, size=gBlkSize):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.color = color
        self.size = size

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = wx.App()
    frame = MainFrame().Show()

Operation check environment

I think wxpython will work with 2.8 as well.

how to play



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