Let's make a combination calculation in Python

Problem awareness

In Previous article, I recursively performed combination calculation in Python, but I thought that there are other ways.

Review of combinations

This is the combination that I learned from the permutation combination.


It was. Here, when n <r, the combination is 0, that is,


I promise 0 if it is out of the definition.

Like a recurrence formula

This time, I want to adopt the method of recursively calling the function with Python, so I will prepare something like a recurrence formula.

Recurrence formula 1: Decrease r



First, from the definition




Divide both sides by r to get the formula to show ■

Recurrence formula 2: Decrease n


This is self-explanatory considering Pascal's triangle, but I will not go too deeply-


_nC_r+_nC_{r-1} &=& \frac{n!}{r!(n-r)!}+\frac{n!}{(r-1)!(n-r+1)!}\\
&=& \frac{n!\times\{(n-r+1)+r\}}{r!(n-r+1)!}\\
&=& \frac{n!\times(n+1)}{r!(n-r+1)!}=\frac{(n+1)!}{r!(n+1-r)!}\\
&=& _{n+1}C_r

Write in Python

Recurrence formula 1


Based on, as the edge, that is, as the initial value setting


When written recursively as a function to return, it looks like this ([previous article](http://qiita.com/kyoro1/items/eed40ab333a9f9fd8ede#python%E3%81%A7%E3%82%B0%E3%] 83% A9% E3% 83% 95% E3% 82% 92% E6% 8F% 8F% E3% 81% 84% E3% 81% A6% E3% 81% BF% E3% 82% 8B) Same as)

def comb1(n, r):
    if n == 0 or r == 0: return 1
    return comb1(n, r-1) * (n-r+1) / r 

Recurrence formula 2


The following is the initial value set based on:

def comb2(n,r):
    if n < 0 or r < 0 or n < r: 
        return 0
    elif n == 0 or r == 0: 
        return 1
    return comb2(n-1,r-1)+comb2(n-1,r)

The reason why the initial value setting is a little more complicated than the recurrence formula 1 is that both n and r change.

Try out

Let's move it immediately.

>>> comb1(20,5)
>>> comb2(20,5)

Check with existing scipy function

>>> import scipy.misc as scm
>>> scm.comb(20, 5)

→ Yeah, that's right ♪ (It's not proof at all, but w)

The site that I used as a reference

-Calculate Combination in Python

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