Let's make a spot sale service 4 (in Python mini Hack-a-thon)

Now that we have a circle-related api, we will create an item-related api. This time (42nd) I participated in and worked on the Python mini Hack-a-thon. http://connpass.com/event/5775/


You can register from this UI.

New things I learned

About Entity design

The things to do are almost the same as last time, but this time the number of registered thumbnails varies from 1 to 4

#Item information sold by the circle. 1 entity=1 item
class CircleItem(BaseModel):
    circleInfomation = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=CircleInfomation)   #Sales circle
    name = ndb.StringProperty()     	#Item name
    thumbUrls1 = ndb.StringProperty() 	#Item thumbnail part 1
    thumbUrls2 = ndb.StringProperty() 	#Item thumbnail part 2
    thumbUrls3 = ndb.StringProperty() 	#Item thumbnail part 3
    thumbUrls4 = ndb.StringProperty() 	#Item thumbnail part 4
    description = ndb.StringProperty()	#Item description
    count = ndb.IntegerProperty() #Number of units sold
    price = ndb.IntegerProperty() #price

You can put properties for each thumbnail, but the purpose of thumbnail properties is the same. It seems good to put them all in one property.

#Item information sold by the circle. 1 entity=1 item
class CircleItem(BaseModel):
    circleInfomation = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=CircleInfomation)   #Sales circle
    name = ndb.StringProperty()			#Item name
    thumbUrls = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True) #Item thumbnail URL(Up to 4)
    description = ndb.StringProperty()	#Item description
    count = ndb.IntegerProperty() 		#Number of units sold
    price = ndb.IntegerProperty() 		#price

I did this.

About query cursor processing

If you try to display it in multiple requests in the server, cursor processing will be performed. The AppEngineSDK has useful functions, so I try to attach the URL if there is a continuation based on that. Webapp2 # uri_for was useful for URL generation.

#Query Data Store
entitylist, next_curs, more = CircleItem.query(CircleItem.circleInfomation==circleInfo.key).fetch_page(limit, start_cursor=cursor)

#Generate the following URL if there is a continuation
next_url = None
if more:
	next_url = webapp2.uri_for('Infomation',circleid=circleid,limit=limit,cursor=next_curs.urlsafe())

#Set this data
itemList = []
for e in entitylist:
	item = Common.createCircleItemResponseFromEntity(e)

res = dict(
	itemList = itemList,
	next = next_url

#Convert to JSON and return to client
Common.writeUserResponseSuccess(self, res )

For example http://localhost:8080/user/api/circleitem/infomation?circleid=1 If you make such a request,

				"name":"Item name",
				"description":"Item details"}

When such a request is returned, `" next ":" http: // localhost: 8080 / user / api / circleitem / infomation? Circleid = 1 & limit = 1 & cursor = E-ABAIICLWoSZGV2fmZyZWVtYXJrZXQtYXBwchcLEgpDaXJjbGVJdGVtGICAg You can get them in order.

That's how the brunch to date was made https://github.com/nagai/freemarket/tree/20140412

Future tasks

next time

Next, we will create the client side.

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