Zundokokiyoshi (generator) in Python


It seems to be popular, so I tried it with Python as the Nth brew.

Code (version 1)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import deque
import random

z = u'Dung'
d = u'Doco'
zzzzd = (z, z, z, z, d, )
kys = u'Ki yo shi!'

#Infinite Zundco Generator
def zd():
    while True:
        w = random.choice((z, d, ))
        print w
        yield w

def zndkkys():
    q = deque()
    #Skip to the 4th character that never matches
    for i, w in enumerate(zd()):
        if i == 3:

    #Check each time after the 5th character and discard unnecessary characters
    for w in zd():
        if all((zzzzd[i] == p for i, p in enumerate(q))):
            print kys

if __name__ == '__main__':



You can go with this generator alone, right? That is version 2 below

Code (version 2)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import deque
import random

z = u'Dung'
d = u'Doco'
kys = u'Ki yo shi!'

def zndkkys2():
    state = 0
    while True:
        num = random.choice((0, 1, ))
        #Count up for Zun
        if num:
            yield z
            state += 1
            yield d
            #If there are four or more consecutive dungs in front of the doko, it's ki yo shi!
            if state >= 4:
                yield kys
            #Initialize the count if the dung in front of the doco is 3 times or less
                state = 0

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print ''.join(zndkkys2())



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