Loop through a generator that returns a date iterator in Python

Sample code

from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta

#Generator function that returns an iterator for a date object
#start date: begin
#End date: end
def date_iterator_generator(begin, end):
  #Find the number of days from the timedelta of the end date and start date
  #To include the end date+1
  length = (end - begin).days + 1
  #Numerical sequence from 0 to days
  for n in range(length):
    yield begin + timedelta(n)

#Start date / end date
begin = datetime.strptime('20200331', '%Y%m%d').date()
end   = date.today() #Today's date

#Generate generator
gen = date_iterator_generator(begin, end)
print('gen: ' + str(gen))

#Output date
for target in gen:

Execution result

The result of running with Python 3.8.2.

gen: <generator object date_iterator_generator at 0x104e0f900>

Reference material

Functional Programming HOWTO — Python 3 \ .8 \ .2 Documentation

Generators are special functions that make it easier to write iterators. A standard function calculates and returns a value, but the generator returns an iterator that returns a set of values.

Built-in — Python 3 \ .8 \ .2 documentation

The range type represents an immutable sequence of numbers and is commonly used in for loops for a certain number of loops.

datetime ---Basic date and time types — Python 3 \ .8 \ .2 documentation

The timedelta object represents the elapsed time, that is, the difference between two dates or times.

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