I made an action to automatically format python code



│  └─workflows
│          code-format.yml
    │  pyproject.toml



name: python auto code format

      - main
      - develop
      - 'python/**'


    name: Check code style with Black
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        working-directory: ./python
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Set up Python 3.6.8
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: 3.6.8
      - name: Install black
        run: pip install black
      - name: run code format
        run: find . -type f -name "*.py" | xargs black
      - name: git settings
        run: |
          git config --local user.email "github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com"
          git config --local user.name "github-actions[bot]"
      - name: Extract branch name
        id: extract_branch
        run: echo "##[set-output name=BRANCH_NAME;]$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/})"
      - name: commit
        run: git commit -m "python modules changed auto format." -a || echo "No changes to commit."
      - name: push
        run: |
          echo target branch is ${{ steps.extract_branch.outputs.BRANCH_NAME }}
          git pull
          git push origin ${{ steps.extract_branch.outputs.BRANCH_NAME }}

  1. From the develop branch, create a suitable topic branch
  2. Edit the appropriate code (b.py this time) in the appropriate topic branch (break the format) 3. commit & push
  3. Generate pull request on github
  4. Appropriate topic branch → merge into develop
  5. Action runs
  6. b.py in the develop branch is pushed in code-formatted state

lastly This time, I assumed the topic branch → develop branch, but the same applies to develop → main. Also, in this case, actions will run even if you commit directly to the main or develop branch.

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