I was addicted to creating a Python venv environment with VS Code

Whenever I build a Python virtual environment for DynamoDb-Lambda in my local environment Since boto3 could not be imported, I would like to summarize the procedure with a memorandum.

Building the environment

--Create a virtual environment

$ python3 -m venv environment name

--Enable the created environment

$source The name of the environment/bin/activate

--When it is successfully enabled, the following display will be displayed.

(The name of the environment) $

--Install the required packages (boto3 in this case) By the way, I installed boto3 as it is without entering the environment, so boto3 will always be I was not on the virtual environment side. .. ..

$ pip install boto3

--Use the python -m pip list command to check if the target package is installed properly.

$ python -m pip list

Package         Version
--------------- -------
boto3           1.12.23
botocore        1.15.23
docutils        0.15.2
jmespath        0.9.5
numpy           1.18.2
pip             19.0.3
python-dateutil 2.8.1
s3transfer      0.3.3
setuptools      40.8.0
six             1.14.0
urllib3         1.25.8

It seems that this time it is well entered.

Settings on the VS Code side

--Open the folder created this time --Open setting.json and add the following I made a mistake in the description here, but the path was peeled off to an environment other than the virtual environment side, and boto3 could not be imported ...

"python.pythonPath": "bin/python3",

Reference site

-[Introduction to Python] An easy-to-understand explanation of how to create a virtual environment with venv -How to open VS Code settings.json

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