I made a script in python to convert .md files to Scrapbox format


Target to be converted



*Image captioning is the task of giving a natural language description to the visual scene.
    *Neural encoder in this field in the last 5 years-decoder is popular
        *sota is a CNN encoder, LSTM(And Transformer)It consists of a decoder and an attention mechanism.

In markdown, write with * or -. In scrapbox, one space character is equivalent to one indent + bullet (black circle ●), so it will be replaced with a space.


Image captioning is the task of giving a natural language description to the visual scene.
Neural encoder in this field in the last 5 years-decoder is popular
sota is a CNN encoder, LSTM(And Transformer)It consists of a decoder and an attention mechanism.

スクリーンショット 2020-04-29 21.10.08.png It looks like this on scrapbox

Square brackets []


[27]Is a CNN encoder,Proposing a model consisting of LSTM decoder

Converts the square brackets [] used to cite a paper to parentheses () The reason for this is that in scrapbox the square brackets [] mean links between articles.


(27)Is a CNN encoder,Proposing a model consisting of LSTM decoder



## 2.Related research

### 2.1. Image Captioning

In Markdown, h1 to h6 are expressed as headings by continuing multiple #. There are no headings in scrapbox, so use bold instead. Enclose bold letters in square brackets []. [[String to emphasize]]


[[ 2.Related research]]

[[ 2.1. Image Captioning]]

スクリーンショット 2020-04-29 21.11.33.png It looks like this on scrapbox



$f_t = \sigma(W_f \cdot [h_{t-1}, x_t] + b_f)$

In Markdown, you can express a formula in one line with $ formula $. With scrapbox you can do the same with [$ formula].


[$ f_t = \sigma(W_f \cdot (h_{t-1}, x_t) + b_f)]

スクリーンショット 2020-04-29 21.12.33.png It looks like this on scrapbox

By the way, in scrapbox, if you enter a formula number such as \ tag {1}, it will not fit in one line, but will be two lines. This time, we cannot handle this.



**Emphasis test**

In Markdown, you can express it in bold by using a method such as ** the character you want to emphasize **. In scrapbox, as mentioned above, it becomes [[character string to be emphasized]].


[[Emphasis test]]

Source code

Just honestly replace the string with re andstr.replace (). I would appreciate it if you could let me know if there is something strange.

The syntax highlighting color has disappeared due to the effect of escape \ ...


import os
import argparse
import re

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()

sentence = "" # output
tab = "    " 
space = " "
bullet = "* "
strong = r"\*\*.*\*\*.?"
title = r"#*"
math = r"\$[^\$]*\$"

with open(args.in_file, "r") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:

    # blaket    
    line = line.replace("[", "(")
    line = line.replace("]", ")")

    # indentation
    for m in re.finditer(tab, line):
        line = re.sub(tab, space, line)
    line = line.replace(bullet, space, 1)

    # title
    m = re.search(title, line)
    if len(m.group()) > 0:
        line = "[[" + line[m.end():].replace("\n", "") + "]]\n"
    # math
    m = re.findall(math, line)
    if m:
        for matched in m:
            m2 = re.sub(r"^\$", "[$ ", matched)
            m2 = re.sub(r"\$$", "]", m2)
            line = line.replace(matched, m2)
        sentence += line
        # enphasis
        m = re.findall(strong, line)
        if m:
            for matched in m:
                m2 = re.sub(r"^\*\*", "[[", matched)
                m2 = re.sub(r"\*\*$", "]]", m2)
                line = line.replace(matched, m2)
        sentence += line


dirname = os.path.dirname(args.in_file)
name = os.path.basename(args.in_file)
name, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
name = name + "_scrapbox.txt"
name = os.path.join(dirname, name)

with open(name, "w") as f:

How to use

python md2scrapbox.py path/to/some_file.md

The conversion result will be renamed and saved in the same location as the input In the above example, it will be path / to / some_file_scrapbox.txt.

All you have to do is paste the completed string into scrapbox.

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