[PYTHON] I made a CUI-based translation script


Recently, I've been working more and more with the CUI. CUI is flexible and very nice ...

I was translating English one by one

(This is a matter of my English ability) I can read error messages such as python traceback to some extent, I couldn't read the Linux man page and --help because they were almost in English. Therefore···

Isn't it possible to create a translation script using a pipe?

I came up with the idea.


--Use googletrans --Accept options with command line arguments --Supports input using | (pipe)

I actually wrote it

I also posted to gist.

# ~Receive text with standard I / O,
# ~Print it
import sys
from googletrans import Translator
from logging import getLogger, StreamHandler, DEBUG
# ~Log settings
logger = getLogger(__name__)
handler = StreamHandler()
logger.propagate = False

trans = Translator()

#Main processing
def convert(text="None", lang="ja"):
    '''Function to translate'''
    #Converts non-numeric characters to strings and excludes types that cannot be converted to str, such as float types
        text = str(text)
        logger.error("You have entered something other than a string or an integer.")
    conv_text = trans.translate(text, dest=lang)
    return conv_text.text

Test code

This time it was developed in a test-driven development style.

# ~Test code
import honnyaku
    assert "Hello" == honnyaku.convert("hello")
except AssertionError:


Actual state 2020-02-01-151007_1824x984_scrot.png

I was able to translate it successfully! I'd like to think about how to implement options a little more, so I'd like to do it next time.

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