I made a login / logout process using Python Bottle.

I wanted to make it a little, so I looked it up. The following page was used as a reference

https://qiita.com/Gen6/items/c153d562e757d88aa5c1 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35588873/how-to-logout-in-python-bottle http://www.denzow.me/entry/2017/12/09/103828 https://qiita.com/yoskmr/items/8d35b6c7a15cfa275dfc


It looks like this. Most of the scripts on the reference page were diverted. Thanks.

!/user/bin/env python
 -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from bottle import route, run, template, request, static_file, url, get, post, response, error
from bottle import redirect
import sys, codecs
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(sys.stdout)

SECRET_KEY = 'some-secret-key'

def html_index():
    user_id = request.get_cookie('account', secret=SECRET_KEY)
    if user_id is None:
        return template('index',url=url)

@route("/static/<filepath:path>", name="static_file")
def static(filepath):   
    user_id = request.get_cookie('account', secret=SECRET_KEY)
    if user_id is None:
        return static_file(filepath, root="./static")

def login():
    return """
        <form action="/login" method="post">
            Username: <input name="username" type="text" />
            Password: <input name="password" type="password" />
            <input value="Login" type="submit" />

@route("/login", method="POST")
def do_login():
    username = request.forms.get("username")
    password = request.forms.get("password")
    if check_login(username, password):
        response.set_cookie("account", username, secret=SECRET_KEY, path='/', max_age=LIFE_TIME )

def check_login(username, password):
  if username == "admin" and password=="password":
    return True
    return False

@route('/logout', method="POST")
def logout():

def error404(error):
    return template("404")

run(host="localhost", port=8080, debug=True, reloader=True)

with this, -The initial state transitions to the login screen. ・ After logging in, register user information in a cookie, and then access it afterwards. -When you access / logout, the cookie information is deleted and you are logged out. ・ The cookie becomes invalid after the specified time. I was able to do it.

The directory structure looks like this.

│  ├─css
│  ├─img
│  └─js

You should put the file used in template under views. The template is explained in detail on this page, so please refer to it here. http://www.denzow.me/entry/2018/03/03/220942

It seems to be very convenient because micro Python can be used in Template.

Does this method follow the general practice? ?? ?? It's a lot difficult.

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