I wrote a function to load a Git extension script in Python

Special features of Git

Git has a special feature that if you have a script called git-xxx (** with execution privileges and under your PATH **), you can run it in the form ** git xxx **. (The famous git-flow also uses this feature to call git flow)

Let's reinvent the wheel with Python for this feature.

I wrote it


# coding: utf-8

import os
import sys

from subprocess import call

class ExtensionLoader:

    def __init__(self):

        #Since the environment variable PATH is a string connected by a colon,
        #Convert to an array by splitting with a colon
        self.PATH = os.environ["PATH"].split(":")

    def load(self, ext, args):

        # ext: 'mygit init' -> 'init'
        ext_absname = "mygit-{}".format(ext)
        found_flag = None
        extension = None

        for directory in self.PATH:
            # 'mygit-init'Is in the directory
            if ext_absname in os.listdir(directory):
                found_flag = True
                extension = os.path.join(directory, ext_absname)

        if found_flag:
            # 'mygit-init'Run when you find
            cmd = [extension]
            cmd += args #Passing arguments to the extension script to be executed here
            return call(cmd)

            raise IOError("Extension does not found: {}".format(ext))

if __name__ == "__main__":

    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        print "usage: mygit {command}"

    extloader = ExtensionLoader()

    # argv: ["mygit" "command", "arg1", "arg2", "arg3"]
    command = sys.argv[1]
    arguments = sys.argv[2:]
    exit_status = extloader.load(command, arguments)


It was surprisingly easy.

The problem is that it can't be used with ** argparse **. argparse can parse subcommands, but if an unregistered command is entered, it will throw an error and it is not possible to register the extension script command in advance ...

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