[PYTHON] I wrote a script to get you started with AtCoder fast!

Save the contest name directory and a.py, b.py, c.py, d.py from the command line.

How to use (example)

  1. At the command line `python start_atcoder.py arc021` turn!
  2. arc021 is created in the executed directory.
  3. a.py, b.py, c.py, d.py are created in arc021.
  4. Eliminate the hassle of creating files!
import os
import sys

def main():
    argvs = sys.argv
    argc = len(argvs)

    if argc < 1:
        print('Usege\nstart_atcoder.py contest_name')
    contest_name = argvs[1]
    if os.path.exists(contest_name):
        print(contest_name, 'is exists.')
        print(contest_name, 'is created.')

    problem_number = 4 
    for i in range(problem_number):
        path = contest_name+'\\'+chr(ord('a')+i)+'.py'
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            print(path, 'is exists')
            f = open(path,'w')
            print(path, 'created')

if __name__ == '__main__':

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