Sample script to trap signals in Python


Study signals and leave a note of the script that traps SIGTERM


I referred to here


import signal
import time
from threading import Thread

FLAG = False

def handler(signum, frame):
    global FLAG
    FLAG = True

def waiting():
    global FLAG
    while not FLAG:
        print("Waiting for signal...")

t1 = Thread(target=waiting, args=[])
t2 = Thread(target=waiting, args=[])

signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)


Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...

Check the process

ps aux | grep test
ec2-user 21269  0.0  0.1 275896  9144 pts/1    Sl+  16:40   0:00 python36

Issuance of SIGTERM

kill -SIGTERM 21269

Confirm that it was trapped

Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...
Waiting for signal...

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