Throw Incoming Webhooks to Mattermost in Python

I set it to allow overwriting of Mattermost's username and icon, and posted it to Mattermost using Python.

I had to use a webhook to throw a message to the self-hosted Mattermost, so I investigated it. The project I'm currently working on makes heavy use of Python, so I tried to find out if it could be done with Python.

Processing on the Python side

Posting a message to Mattermost simply throws an http post, so I was wondering if I needed a special library. When I looked it up, I found a library mattermostdriver that looks good, so I decided to use that.

Easy to use

  1. install
% poetry add mattermostdriver
#For pip:
% pip install mattermostdriver
  1. Use it like the following
    mattermost_driver = Driver({
        'scheme': 'https',
        'url': '',
        'port': 443,
    webhook_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    mattermost_driver.webhooks.call_webhook(hook_id=webhook_id, options={
        "username": "my-bot",
        "icon_url": " ",
        "text": "Hello, this is some text\nThis is from python script. :tada:",

You can now post from python

Mattermost settings

There were quite a few stumbling points, For some reason, even if I specified username and icon_url, it didn't change.

After a little research, it was necessary to change (+ restart) the config of mattermost. The following was detailed.

I changed the following settings and redeployed mattermost server.


        "EnablePostUsernameOverride": true,
        "EnablePostIconOverride": true,

After changing the settings, I confirmed that the username and icon were changed in the script created in Python.

You can see the same content from here.

That's it.

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