Throw something to Kinesis with python and make sure it's in

things to do

  1. Throw "hogehoge" to Kinesis
  2. Check if "hogehoge" is included


  1. Make Python available
  2. Install boto
  3. Create an account to play with Kinesis with IAM
  4. Create Stream and Shard which are the ports to receive data in Kinesis

By the way, this time the name of shard is "test" and the number is one.


#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from boto import kinesis

auth = {"aws_access_key_id":"Please enter the IAM ACCESS KEY", "aws_secret_access_key":"Please enter the IAM SECRET ACCESS KEY"}

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #            kinesis.connect_to_region('region',IAM credentials)
    Connection = kinesis.connect_to_region('us-east-1',**auth)
    while true:
        #             Connection.put_record(Stream name,Data to write, PartitionKey)
        put_response = Connection.put_record('test'    , "hogehoge"  , 'one')

only this.


A worker is attached to each shard to read the data so that it can be processed even if the shard increases.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import base64
import multiprocessing
from boto import kinesis
import threading

auth = {"aws_access_key_id":"Please enter the IAM ACCESS KEY", "aws_secret_access_key":"Please enter the IAM SECRET ACCESS KEY"}

#The name of the stream
def worker(connect, kinesis_iterator):
    next_iterator = kinesis_iterator['ShardIterator']
    while True:
        response = connect.get_records(next_iterator)
        next_iterator = response['NextShardIterator']
        #Display the contents written in shard
        for data in response['Records']:
def get_record():
    connect = kinesis.connect_to_region('us-east-1',**auth)
    stream = connect.describe_stream(STREAM_NAME)
    #Get a list of shards
    shards = stream['StreamDescription']['Shards']

    #Install a worker for each shard and get data
    for shard in shards:
        kinesis_iterator = connect.get_shard_iterator(STREAM_NAME, shard['ShardId'], shard_iterator_type='TRIM_HORIZON')
        job = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(connect, kinesis_iterator))
if __name__ == '__main__':

I was able to go like this.

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