How to run tests in bulk with Python unittest


I explained how to use unittest in Run unittest in Python (for beginners). While using it, I wanted to test multiple tests at once and organized them. In other words, how to use TestSuite. Official documentation and "[[Python] Two ways to implement a test suite with the unittest module](http://www.yoheim. net / blog.php? q = 20160903) ”was used as a reference.

Directory structure


Sample source

class SampleA():
  def hello(self):
    print('Hello, I am sample of a!')

import unittest

from sample_a import SampleA

class TestSampleA(unittest.TestCase):
  def test_a1(self):
    print('Test sample A1')
    a = SampleA()

  def test_a2(self):
    print('Test sample A2')

  def a3(self):
    print('Test sample A3')

import unittest

class TestSampleB(unittest.TestCase):
  def test_b1(self):
    print('Test sample B1')

  def test_b2(self):
    print('Test sample B2')

  def b3(self):
    print('Test sample B3')

import unittest

class SampleC(unittest.TestCase):
  def test_c1(self):
    print('Test sample C1')

  def test_c2(self):
    print('Test sample C2')

  def c3(self):
    print('Test sample C3')

import unittest

from . import test_samplea
from . import test_sampleb
from . import samplec

def suite():
  suite = unittest.TestSuite()
  return suite

if __name__ == '__main__':
  runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
  test_suite = suite()

Run one test

python -m unittest tests.test_samplea The execution result is as follows.

Test sample A1
Hello, I am sample of a!
.Test sample A2
Ran 2 tests in 0.003s


From the output, you can see that the test methods test_a1 and test_a2 are being executed. The method of a3 has not been tested.

Run tests together

python -m unittest The execution result is as follows.

Test sample A1
Hello, I am sample of a!
.Test sample A2
.Test sample B1
.Test sample B2
Ran 4 tests in 0.006s


From the test results, you can see that the tests for and are running. The test for has not been run. A file that starts with test runs all the tests for the methods that start with test.

Run only your own tests

python -m tests.sample_suite

Test sample A1
Hello, I am sample of a!
.Test sample A3
.Test sample B1
.Test sample B2
.Test sample C1
Ran 5 tests in 0.006s


The test added by addTest is running. Test methods (a3) that do not start with test and test files ( that do not start with test are also being executed. How to add a test is to add for each method suite.addTest(test_samplea.TestSampleA('test_a1')) Or Addition by class suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test_sampleb.TestSampleB)) there is.


The test discovery method is very convenient because you can run the test without setting anything. However, when the number of tests increases or tests that take a long time to process are added, I want to exclude the tests, so I investigated how to execute only the tests that I decided. I couldn't make a trial and error and thought that it could be implemented with a little simpler implementation and executed with python -m unit test. It's not good because the interface to run is inconsistent. .. .. Please let me know if there is a simpler way to implement it.

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