Try to make BOT by linking spreadsheet and Slack with python 1/2 (python + gspread + slackbot)

You don't have to bother to search, but there are things that interest you.

I've started learning python lately, and anyway, let's make a BOT by linking with Slack that I usually use so that if I enter a word I wrote in a spreadsheet in advance on Slack, it will return the meaning. I thought.

Thing you want to do


With great reference to this page, implement from the python program to the point where the spreadsheet is opened.

import gspread
import json

from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials 
scope = ['','']

credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('Downloaded JSON file name.json', scope)

gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)

SPREADSHEET_KEY = 'Spreadsheet key'

worksheet = gc.open_by_key(SPREADSHEET_KEY).sheet1#I will write up to this line.

I will write the continuation.

values_list = worksheet.col_values(1) #Get the first column of the sheet as a list

search_word = input('Enter the word you want to look up: ')

#Compare the searched word with the list searched for all, and if there is a value, True,Returns False if not
tof = search_word in values_list #tof...Appropriate variable
if tof == True:
  cells = worksheet.find(search_word)  #Get coordinates that match the input result
  val = worksheet.cell(cells.row, cells.col+1).value  #Adjust the coordinates and get the description column
  print('Details:', val)  #Output the explanation column
  print('The details could not be output.')

When comparing the entered values, I was wondering if there was a smarter function in the gspread library, but the return value didn't work ... I had no choice but to use the in operator. Please let me know if there is a better way.

Try to move

Prepare the contents of the spreadsheet. スプレッドシートの中身

$ py
Enter the word you want to look up: Mickey
Details: Haha

It's done.

Works with Slack

What I was worried about before implementation was

This is around here.

Directory structure

I will implement it with great reference to the article here. It doesn't matter if you have that you moved earlier.

Write code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from import Bot
def main():
    bot = Bot()
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print('start slackbot')

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
API_TOKEN = "xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
#Default reply
DEFAULT_REPLY = "Enter "Search:" and then enter the characters."
#Match with the directory name where the file containing the code to add the function is located
PLUGINS = ['plugins']

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
import re
from import respond_to     # @botname:Decoder that reacts with
from import listen_to      #Decoder that responds to in-channel remarks
from import default_reply  #Decoder that reacts when there is no corresponding response

scope = ['',

credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(
    'Downloaded JSON file name.json', scope)

#Log in to the Google API using your OAuth2 credentials.
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)

#Variables for shared spreadsheet keys[SPREADSHEET_KEY]Store in.
SPREADSHEET_KEY = 'Spreadsheet key'

#From here on, the operation details of the spreadsheet.#####################################
#Open Sheet 1 of a shared spreadsheet
worksheet = gc.open_by_key(SPREADSHEET_KEY).sheet1

values_list = worksheet.col_values(1)

def mention_func(message, search_word):
  tof = search_word in values_list
  if tof == True:
    cells = worksheet.find(search_word)  #Get coordinates that match the input result
    val = worksheet.cell(cells.row, cells.col+1).value  #Adjust the coordinates and get the description column
    message.reply('result: {0}'.format(val))  #Mention
    message.reply('I searched, but couldn't find it.')  #Mention

@listen_to('Decide the app name or something')
def listen_func(message):
    message.reply('If you have a request, "@After entering "App name search:", search for any character.')                       #Mention

respond_to () describes what happens when you mention your app in a channel and send a message. By setting ". *", Any character string is accepted and passed to the BOT side. In this case, by sending "Search:" any string "" to Slack, it will search the spreadsheet for a match for that word and return the meaning if there is one.

If you change this, it seems that the application will be quite effective.

By the way, listen_to () describes the behavior when sending a message without mentioning it.

When you run, SlackBOT will start.

However, at this point, I have to run every time to start the BOT, so in my case I deploy the application to heroku so that it always responds.

at the end

After implementing it, you can link it with a local file separately, or is it safer? I thought, so I may rewrite it soon. For the time being, I understand the basics of sending and receiving messages in Slackbot, so I will change it steadily and implement registration / deletion etc. (Next article is here).

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