Python + chatwork + google extension = How to make an easy and funny chat BOT


The following can be prepared

Script implementation

Create a server that returns 200 OK in Python

import http.server
import socketserver
import json
import requests
class MyHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    def do_POST(self):
        content_leng  = int(self.headers.get("content-length"))
        req_body ="utf-8")
        json_object = json.loads(req_body)
#Set 3000 ports in your local environment
with socketserver.TCPServer(("", 3000), MyHandler) as httpd:

Publish localhost to the internet with Ngrok


ngrok http 3000

result: image.png

Works with Chatwork webhook and Ngrok

So far, the local file has been published to the internet. When posting from ChatWork, you must set it to receive in image.png Enter the URL of ngrok in the red frame above After filling in, I think you can work with Chatwork webhook and Ngrok. Verification:



ChatBot script

There are two ways to handle ChatBot

ROOMID = 'XXXXXXXXX'  #The room you want to post
post_message_url = '{}/rooms/{}/messages'.format(ENDPOINT, ROOMID)
headers = { 'X-ChatWorkToken': APIKEY }
def checkAssignee(assigneenum): #Person to reply
    if assigneenum ==3987766: 
        assigneename = 'Mr. A'
    elif assigneenum ==4388605:
        assigneename = 'Mr. B'
    return assigneename

# #Send to chatwork- start
def sendtoChatworkRemind(answer,fromaccountid,sendtouser):
        headers = { 'X-ChatWorkToken': APIKEY }
        params = { 'body': '[To:'+str(fromaccountid)+']'+ sendtouser+ '\n' + str(answer)
#Send to chatwork- end

        chatbot = ChatBot('EventosChatBot')
        trainer = ListTrainer(chatbot)

        traningjson = []
        print(json_object['webhook_event']['body'].find("[To:2555387]Chat Bot Eventos"))
        if "[To:2555387]Chat Bot Eventos" in json_object['webhook_event']['body'] :
            fromaccountid = json_object['webhook_event']['from_account_id']
            reponse = json_object['webhook_event']['body'].replace("[To:2555387]Chat Bot Eventos\n","")
            sendtouser = checkAssignee(fromaccountid)
            if "Let me tell you]:)" in json_object['webhook_event']['body'] :
                for item in json_object['webhook_event']['body'].split("\n"):
                    if "Question:" in item:
                        print(item.strip().replace("● Question: ",""))
                        if item.strip().replace("● Question: ","") != "":
                            traningjson.append(item.strip().replace("● Question: ",""))
                    if "Answer:" in item:
                        print(item.strip().replace("● Answer: ",""))
                        if item.strip().replace("● Answer: ","") != "":
                            traningjson.append(item.strip().replace("● Answer: ",""))
                answer = "Thank you for teaching(bow)"
                answer = chatbot.get_response(reponse)

Made in Google extension

Create a Google extension so anyone can train on your chatbot


    $("#__chatworkInputTools_toolbarIcons").prepend('<li class="_showDescription __chatworkInputTools_toolbarIcon" id="teachChatbot"  role="button" aria-label="info: Surround selection with [chatbotEV] tag"><span class="btnDanger" style="padding: 3px 4px; font-size: 10px; border-radius: 3px; position: relative; top: -2px;">chatbotEV</span></li>');
    $("#_chatText").val('[To:2555387]Chat Bot Eventos \n let me know]:) \n[info]\n ● Question: \n ● Answer: \n[/info]');

result: image.png

It's OK. Finally test

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