I tried to make the weather forecast on the official line by referring to the weather forecast bot of "Dialogue system made with python".

What changed from the content written in the dialogue system made with python

-State transition was made using SQLite3 instead of XML


-When I tried to use the code of the book as it is for the official line, I could not retain the transition information, so I used SQLite3.

What to aim for next

Make it possible to cancel the input like "Not Osaka". To the non-task version of the dialogue system made with python

Program structure

Image from Gyazo

Below: Weather forecast official line code (corrected version)


import sys
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtScxml
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time
import sqlite3

DATES = ['today','tomorrow']

TYPES = ['weather','temperature']

#Dictionary for getting latitude and longitude from prefecture name
PLACES = {'Hokkaido': (43.06, 141.35), 'Aomori': (40.82, 140.74), 'Iwate': (39.7, 141.15), 'Miyagi': (38.27, 140.87),
        'Akita': (39.72, 140.1), 'Yamagata': (38.24, 140.36), 'Fukushima': (37.75, 140.47), 'Ibaraki': (36.34, 140.45),
        'Tochigi': (36.57, 139.88), 'Gunma': (36.39, 139.06), 'Saitama': (35.86, 139.65), 'Chiba': (35.61, 140.12),
        'Tokyo': (35.69, 139.69), 'Kanagawa': (35.45, 139.64), 'Niigata': (37.9, 139.02), 'Toyama': (36.7, 137.21),
        'Ishikawa': (36.59, 136.63), 'Fukui': (36.07, 136.22), 'Yamanashi': (35.66, 138.57), 'Nagano': (36.65, 138.18),
        'Gifu': (35.39, 136.72), 'Shizuoka': (34.98, 138.38), 'Aichi': (35.18, 136.91), 'Triple': (34.73, 136.51),
        'Shiga': (35.0, 135.87), 'Kyoto': (35.02, 135.76), 'Osaka': (34.69, 135.52), 'Hyogo': (34.69, 135.18),
        'Nara': (34.69, 135.83), 'Wakayama': (34.23, 135.17), 'Tottori': (35.5, 134.24), 'Shimane': (35.47, 133.05),
        'Okayama': (34.66, 133.93), 'Hiroshima': (34.4, 132.46), 'Yamaguchi': (34.19, 131.47), 'Tokushima': (34.07, 134.56),
        'Kagawa': (34.34, 134.04), 'Ehime': (33.84, 132.77), 'Kochi': (33.56, 133.53), 'Fukuoka': (33.61, 130.42),
        'Saga': (33.25, 130.3), 'Nagasaki': (32.74, 129.87), 'Kumamoto': (32.79, 130.74), 'Oita': (33.24, 131.61),
        'Miyazaki': (31.91, 131.42), 'Kagoshima': (31.56, 130.56), 'Okinawa': (26.21, 127.68)}

current_weather_url = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather'
forecast_url = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast'
appid = '6dbf61393fba9e88099d19dcdafc6c25' #Please enter your APP ID

def get_current_weather(lat,lon):
#Get weather information
    response = requests.get("{}?lat={}&lon={}&lang=ja&units=metric&APPID={}".format(self.current_weather_url,lat,lon,self.appid))
    return response.json()

def get_tomorrow_weather(lat,lon):
    #Get time today
    today = datetime.today()
    #Get tomorrow's time
    tomorrow = today + timedelta(days=1)
    #Get tomorrow noon time
    tomorrow_noon = datetime.combine(tomorrow, time(12,0))
    #Convert to UNIX time
    timestamp = tomorrow_noon.timestamp()
    #Get weather information
    response = requests.get("{}?lat={}&lon={}&lang=ja&units=metric&APPID={}".format(forecast_url,lat,lon,appid))
    dic = response.json()
    #Loop for weather information every 3 hours
    for i in range(len(dic["list"])):
        #i-th weather information (UNIX time)
        dt = float(dic["list"][i]["dt"])
        #The weather information will be returned when the data becomes data after noon tomorrow.
        if dt >= timestamp:
            return dic["list"][i]
    return ""

def create_db(cur):
    cur.execute('CREATE TABLE test(place STRING,date STRING, type STRING)')

def update_db(cur, text):
    for place in PLACES:
        if place in text:
            cur.execute(f'INSERT INTO test values("{place}","","")')
    for date in DATES:
        if date in text:
            cur.execute(f'INSERT INTO test values("", "{date}", "")')
    for type_ in TYPES:
        if type_ in text:
            cur.execute(f'INSERT INTO test values("", "", "{type_}")')

def read_db(cur):
    cur.execute('SELECT * FROM test')
    data = cur.fetchall()
    place, date, type_ = "","",""
    for p, d, t in data:
        place = p or place
        date = d or date
        type_ = t or type_
    return place,date,type_

def clear_db():
    dbname = "weather.db"
    conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname)
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute('DROP TABLE test')

def reply_000(place,date,type_):
    return 'What are your requirements?'

def reply_001(place,date,type_):
    return 'Please tell me the prefecture and someday (today / tomorrow)'

def reply_011(place,date,type_):
    return 'Please tell me the prefecture'

def reply_100(place,date,type_):
    return 'Please tell me what (weather / temperature) you want to know someday (today / tomorrow)'

def reply_110(place,date,type_):
    return 'What (weather / temperature) do you want to know'

def reply_101(place,date,type_):
    return 'Please tell me someday (today / tomorrow)'

def reply_010(place,date,type_):
    return 'Please tell me what prefecture you want to know (weather / temperature)'

def reply_111(place,date,type_):
    print("place is",place)
    lat = PLACES[place][0] #Get latitude from place
    lon = PLACES[place][1] #Get longitude from place
    #Clear table
    if date == "today":
        print("Today's weather forecast")
        cw = get_current_weather(lat,lon)
        if type_ == "weather":
        elif type_ == "temperature":
    elif date == "tomorrow":
        tw = get_tomorrow_weather(lat,lon)
        if type_ == "weather":
        elif type_ == "temperature":
            return (str(tw["main"]["temp"])+"Degree")

def start(text):
    dbname = "weather.db"
    conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname)
    cur = conn.cursor()
    if text == "start":
    place,date,type_ = read_db(cur)
    return place,date,type_


def apply(text):
    place, date, type_ = start(text)
    return PATTERN[place!="",date!="",type_!=""](place,date,type_)


from flask import Flask,request,abort
from linebot import LineBotApi,WebhookHandler
from linebot.exceptions import InvalidSignatureError
from linebot.models import MessageEvent,TextMessage,TextSendMessage
import os
import requests
import pprint
import w_system

#Get environment variables

def callback():
    print("Callback 1")
    app.logger.info("Request body"+body)

    except InvalidSignatureError:
    return "OK"

def handle_message(event):
    print('Handle message')
    #Stores the entered character string
    push_text = event.message.text
    reply_text = w_system.apply(push_text)

    #Description of reply part

if __name__=="__main__":

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