I tried to summarize the contents of each package saved by Python pip in one line

There are many packages to download with pip.

Since the PC was submerged, the python environment is being built on the new PC Since it is a beautiful environment, I tried to summarize each library to be inscored at this time in one word (added as needed). I would appreciate it if you could point out and comment on the beginners.

Various packages

appdirs It handles the processing related to the path of the storage location such as user_info, log, config, cache used for each application.

Example of use

>>> from appdirs import *
>>> appname = "SuperApp"
>>> appauthor = "Acme"
>>> user_data_dir(appname, appauthor)
'/Users/trentm/Library/Application Support/SuperApp'

certifi It looks up the location path of the certificate authority (CA) bundle. It is also used in the Requests library.

Example of use

>>> import certifi
>>> certifi.where()

distutil A library that manages package distribution made by third party.

filelock File locking (prevents one write from becoming meaningless when two or more write to one file at the same time) related.

Example of use

from filelock import Timeout, FileLock

file_path = "high_ground.txt"
lock_path = "high_ground.txt.lock"

lock = FileLock(lock_path, timeout=1)
with lock:
    open(file_path, "a").write("Hello there!") //Safe writing

pip A python package management tool.

pipenv A human-friendly library that creates a virtual environment (library, package, python version, etc.) for each project to prevent development environment troubles.

setuptools A pioneer of package management tools. It seems that pip is also using this inside.

six A library that solves the compatibility of python 2 and 3 series. Make the code work for both 2 and 3 systems.

virtualenv It creates a virtual environment. It was made by the third party, but it was promoted from python3.3 to a standard module as venv. Many people are still using it (?). https://qiita.com/KRiver1/items/c1788e616b77a9bad4dd ↑ Easy-to-understand python virtual environment commentary on the Warring States period

virtualenvclone a package to prevent exploit virtualenv

wheel It is organized in an easy-to-understand manner at https://qiita.com/kenta1984/items/16a14f3bfaf1f257c585.

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