I tried to streamline the standard role of new employees with Python

Hello. I tried to streamline the standard role of new employees, telephone answering, with Python.

It is common for the person to handle the call to not be at your desk. At that time, I would send an e-mail telling me that there was a call, but it is actually troublesome to write a fixed text every time. So I wrote a program to create the text and subject.

What to do this time

Output a txt file like this. The first line is the subject. The text after that is the text.


[Message memo] foobar


thank you for your hard work. [My name].
There was a call from bar of foo.
Please return.
TEL 000-000-000

Below is the source code.


import time
from datetime import datetime
import csv
import pandas as pd
import os.path

def existsLog():
    #Create the log file if it does not exist
    if os.path.exists("telLog.csv") == False:
        f = open('telLog.csv','w')
        writer = csv.writer(f,lineterminator='\n')
        header = []

#Name entered,A method to suggest a phone number from a log with a company name
def suggestTelNo(df,nm,incNm):
    telNo = ""
    select = ""
    for index,row in df.iterrows():
        if row['From'] == nm and row['incNm'] == incNm:
            print("Maybe this phone number? : ",end="")
            print("y/n: ",end="")
            select = input()
            telNo  = row['Tel']
    if select == 'y':
        return telNo
        return None

#Method to output log
def mkLog(To,From,incNm,telNo):
    time = datetime.now()
    timeStr = time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S")
    info = [To,From,incNm,telNo,timeStr]

    with open('telLog.csv','a') as f:
        writer = csv.writer(f,lineterminator='\n')

if __name__ == "__main__":

    f = open('TELmemo.txt','w')

    ln1 = "\n Thank you for your hard work. [My name]."
    ln2_1 = "of"
    ln2_2 = "I got a call from you."
    ln3 = "Please return."
    ln4 = "TEL "

    print("---The one who makes the text of the message mail---")
    print("---Message history---")


    #Data frame for phone number suggestion
    df = pd.read_csv('telLog.csv',encoding='UTF-8')
    del df['Time']
    #Display message history

    print("\n * Names are omitted.")

    print("To whom?:",end="")
    to = input()
    print("From where?")
    print("Company name:",end="")
    incNm = input()
    nm = input()
    ln2 = incNm + ln2_1 + nm + ln2_2

    #Name entered,The process of suggesting a phone number from a log with a company name
    tel = suggestTelNo(df,nm,incNm)
    #Enter your phone number when you call for the first time
    if tel is None:
        tel = input()
        ln4 = ln4 + tel
    #Show phone number if you have called in the past
        print("TEL:" + tel)
        ln4 = ln4 + tel
    #Output log

    #Create subject
    sub = "[Message memo]" + incNm + nm + "Mr" + '\n'
    #Divide and store the wording to be included in the text
    msg = (sub,to+"Mr.",ln1,ln2,ln3,ln4)

    #Write the text line by line to a txt file and output to the screen
    for line in msg:
        f.write(line + '\n')

    #I'll just wait for 3 seconds(To check the contents)

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