[Python] I asked LINE BOT to answer the weather forecast.


I scraped tenki.jp and incorporated the weather forecast into linebot. https://tenki.jp/


windows python 3.6.4

Rendering first


First, prepare for scraping

    #Target site URL
    url = "https://tenki.jp/forecast/6/30/6200/27100/"
    #Instance creation
    res = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(res, 'html.parser')

'html.parser' is like a filter needed for scraping.

Scraping by class

weather = soup.find_all("p", class_="weather-telop")
    temp = soup.find_all("dd", class_="high-temp temp")
    low_temp = soup.find_all("dd", class_="low-temp temp")
    tds = soup.select("tr.rain-probability td")
    hini = soup.find_all("h3", class_="left-style")

From the top, scraping is done in the order of "weather, temperature, minimum temperature, probability of precipitation, date". I need to get used to using find_all and select methods properly, but I thought that there would be no problem if I used only select.

In preparation for output

    tenki = hini[0].getText() + "\n\n" + weather[0].getText()
    kion = "\n best" + temp[0].getText()
    low_kion = "Minimum" + low_temp[0].getText()
    rain1 = "\n\n Precipitation probability\n00-06:00" + tds[0].getText()
    rain2 = "\n06-12 o'clock" + tds[1].getText()
    rain3 = "\n12-18:00" + tds[2].getText()
    rain4 = "\n18-24:00" + tds[3].getText()

All the scraped items will be obtained as a list. This time, basically, the content of [0] was today's data, and the content of [1] was tomorrow's data, so it was relatively easy.

Overall view

import urllib.request
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def getw():
    #Target site URL
    url = "https://tenki.jp/forecast/6/30/6200/27100/"
    #Instance creation
    res = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(res, 'html.parser')
    #Target element
    #today's weather
    weather = soup.find_all("p", class_="weather-telop")
    temp = soup.find_all("dd", class_="high-temp temp")
    low_temp = soup.find_all("dd", class_="low-temp temp")
    tds = soup.select("tr.rain-probability td")
    hini = soup.find_all("h3", class_="left-style")

    tenki = hini[0].getText() + "\n\n" + weather[0].getText()
    kion = "\n best" + temp[0].getText()
    low_kion = "Minimum" + low_temp[0].getText()
    rain1 = "\n\n Precipitation probability\n00-06:00" + tds[0].getText()
    rain2 = "\n06-12 o'clock" + tds[1].getText()
    rain3 = "\n12-18:00" + tds[2].getText()
    rain4 = "\n18-24:00" + tds[3].getText()

    a = tenki+kion+low_kion+rain1+rain2+rain3+rain4
    return a

After that, load this function into main.py of linebot.

text_in = event.message.text

    if "today" in text_in:

When a user enters a character that contains the word "today", today's weather is displayed. Then deploy and complete! IMG_3332.jpg


I should be able to write smarter, so I will leave it as an issue next. Also, since it is a BOT that is not interesting at all, there are many things that can be done, such as adding arrangements such as "Have you got an umbrella?" If it rains, so let's leave this as the next task.

It doesn't matter at all, but my back hurts.

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