Linux script to convert Markdown files from JupyterLab format to Qiita format


Formula code in JupyterLab format$$ $$To```mathConvert to specifications



 search $$
nl -ba $filename | grep "\$\\$" > TMP

 num of iteration
nrow=(`wc TMP    | awk '{print $1}'`)

 get row number
array=($(cat TMP | awk '{print $1}'))

for i in `seq 1 ${nrow}`

  echo ${array[$((i-1))]}

  if [ $(( ${i} % 2 )) == 1 ]
  then sed -ie "${array[$((i-1))]} s/\$\\$/\`\`\`math/g" $filename
  else sed -ie "${array[$((i-1))]} s/\$\\$/\`\`\`/g"     $filename


rm TMP

#Example of use


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