Convert files written in python etc. to pdf with syntax highlighting

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Thing you want to do

Convert source code like to pdf file with syntax highlighting


Like the a2ps I used a long time ago

% cat hogehoge.txt | a2ps | lpr -Pprinter_name

For a while, I was looking for a tool that would allow me to print easily. But, I can't find a tool like this, so I had to make it myself.

I thought about using a pipe to feed the pdf file to the printer without creating it in vain, but I couldn't think of it. For the time being, I decided to output pdf.


  1. Create a pdf file with one command
  2. Call pandoc from python for processing
  3. Add line numbers to the code

My environment

Hardware & OS

  1. Macbook Pro (13-inch 2019, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)
  2. 2.8GHz Quad Core Intel Core i7
  3. RAM 16GB
  4. macOS Catalina 10.15.4


  1. LuaLaTeX (This is LuaTeX, Version 1.10.0 (TeX Live 2019))
  2. pandoc (pandoc
  3. python (Python 3.7.7 (default, Mar 23 2020, 17:31:31))

Create a chat

I will paste the sauce. It's better if you're doing weird things or doing this! We would appreciate it if you could give us your opinions.


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import subprocess

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print('Usage: %s FILENAME' % (sys.argv[0]))

args = sys.argv
filename = sys.argv[1]
extension = filename.rsplit('.',1)

if extension[1] == 'py':
    LANG = '{.python .numberLines}'
elif extension[1] == 'sh':
    LANG = '{.sh .numberLines}'
elif extension[1] == 'html':
    LANG = '{.html .numberLines}'
elif extension[1] == 'htm':
    LANG = '{.html .numberLines}'
    LANG = ''

f = open(filename)
body =
data_out = '# ' + filename + '\n' + '```'+ LANG +'\n' + body + '\n```'['pandoc',\
                '-V', 'documentclass=bxjsarticle',\
                '-V', 'classoption=pandoc,jafont=ipaex',\
#                '-H', '~/local/header.tex', #Write to preamble
                '-V', 'linestretch:0.75',\
                '-V', 'pagestyle:empty',\
                '-V', 'geometry:top=8truemm',\
                '-V', 'geometry:bottom=12truemm',\
                '-V', 'geometry:left=20truemm',\
                '-V', 'geometry:right=12truemm',\
                '-V', 'papersize=a4',\
                '-V', 'fontsize:9pt'],\
                input=data_out, text=True, encoding='UTF-8')

How to use

$ code2pdf


A screen capture of the above code in pdf.

スクリーンショット 2020-04-10 7.19.23.png

You can change the color of syntax highlight.

Currently available settings can be found with the --list-highlight-styles option. The execution result in my environment is as follows.

$ pandoc --list-highlight-styles

There is a color sample on this page.


Please also check.

Future tasks

  1. Use a pipe to pour directly into the printer
  2. Review font settings to make it easier to read

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