I want to format and check Python code to my liking on VS Code


With the default pylint, it was inconvenient because the code was not formatted as expected, so I will summarize how to change the detailed settings to your liking.

pip installation

Not required if already installed.

sudo apt install -y python-pip

Install formatter

flake8: Code check (error warning) autopep8: Code formatting

pip install flake8 autopep8

setting of setting.json

Open setting.json from VS Code settings and add a note in{}

   "python.linting.pylintEnabled": false,
   "python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
   "python.formatting.autopep8Args": [
       "--max-line-length", "500",
       "--ignore", "E501",
   "python.linting.flake8Args": [

"python.linting.pylintEnabled": false Disable pylint "python.linting.flake8Enabled": true Enable flake8 "--max-line-length", "500" Changed the character limit of one line of autopep8 to 500 (substantially none) "--ignore", "E501" Remove the character limit for one line of autopep8 I think either one of the above is good, but I'm putting it in for the time being "--ignore=E501,E266,E302" E501: Lifting the character limit on one line of flake8 E266: Removed warning when flake8 has too many #s E302: Removes warning when there are no line breaks between functions or classes

Actually use

You should be able to use it with Ctrl + Shift + ʻI`. If you can't use it, please check if the Python version that introduced flake8 etc. with pip and the Python version of VS Code are the same.


https://qiita.com/psychoroid/items/2c2acc06c900d2c0c8cb https://qiita.com/ciloholic/items/9de9391f8457dc9bc60c

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