I want to use jar from python

I want to use jar from python

JNI seems to have to use CPython, so py4j is a good idea. A guy who starts java in another process and bridges with python by socket communication.

I tried it with kuromoji and my own jar. I mean, I was happy that I could use kuromoji from python, so I tried various things.



First of all, the one I made


package org.kuryu;

public class Sample {
  public String foo() {
    return "FOO!!!!!!!!";

  public static String bar() {
    return "BAR!!!!!!!!";

Make it a jar

$ javac org/kuryu/Sample.java
$ jar cvf kuryu.jar org/kuryu/*.class

Code on the java side of py4j


import py4j.GatewayServer;

public class J4Py {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    J4Py app = new J4Py();
    GatewayServer server = new GatewayServer(app);

Add your own jar and kuromoji to the manifest.


Main-Class: J4Py
Class-Path: py4j0.8.2.1.jar kuromoji-0.7.7.jar kuryu.jar

Make it a jar

$ javac -cp py4j0.8.2.1.jar J4Py.java
$ jar cvfm J4Py.jar manifest.mf J4Py.class

Start Gateway Server

If you start it through the classpath, it seems that you can also use it from the py4j side.

When starting with jar

$ java -jar J4Py.jar

When starting with class

$ java -cp py4j0.8.2.1.jar:kuromoji-0.7.7.jar:kuryu.jar:. J4Py

Code on the python side of py4j

With the Java Gateway Server running, do this.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway

gateway = JavaGateway()

# java.util.Random
random = gateway.jvm.java.util.Random()
n1 = random.nextInt(10)
n2 = random.nextInt(10)
print "%d + %d = %d" % (n1, n2, n1+n2)

#Self-made jar
kuryu = gateway.jvm.org.kuryu.Sample
print kuryu.bar()
ins = kuryu()
print ins
print ins.foo()

#kuromoji Tokenizer
KuroTokenizer = gateway.jvm.org.atilika.kuromoji.Tokenizer
tokenizer = KuroTokenizer.builder().build();
a = tokenizer.tokenize(u"I want to eat sushi.")
for token in a:
    print token.getSurfaceForm() + "\t" + token.getAllFeatures()

I used it as a reference

Mainly this strange.

http://www.atilika.com/ja/products/kuromoji.html http://py4j.sourceforge.net/py4j_java_gateway.html http://qiita.com/mojaie/items/f16b97b1388f73e56b86

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