Python> I made a test code for my own external file

Operating environment

Xeon E5-2620 v4 (8 cores) x 2
CentOS 6.8 (64bit)
openmpi-1.8.x86_64 and its-devel
mpich.x86_64 3.1-5.el6 and its-devel
gcc version 4.4.7 (And gfortran)
NCAR Command Language Version 6.3.0
WRF v3.7.Use 1.
Python 3.6.0 on virtualenv

Related geometry> Distance when deviated by 1 degree (latitude direction or longitude direction) at 2 points [km] Related geometry> Find the distance from two latitudes and longitudes> Use Haversine formula

I wanted to make a test code in the process of converting the calculation process to an external file.

I did the following.

File to be tested v0.2

from math import sin, cos, radians, sqrt, asin

v0.2 Mar 31, 2017
    - add calc_distance_center_shift()
v0.1 Mar 31, 2017
    - add get_shifted_position()
    - add calc_distance_2places()
# codingrule:PEP8

def calc_distance_2places(pos0, pos1, radius=None):
    distance based on Haversine formula

    (pos0, pos1[, radius])
      pos0 is (lat, lon) in [km]
      pos1 is (lat, lon) in [km]
      radius is in [km]
    if radius is None:
        radius = 6378.137  # km (Earth's radius)
    latang1, lonang1 = pos0
    latang2, lonang2 = pos1
    phi1, phi2 = radians(latang1), radians(latang2)
    lam1, lam2 = radians(lonang1), radians(lonang2)
    term1 = sin((phi2 - phi1) / 2.0) ** 2
    term2 = sin((lam2 - lam1) / 2.0) ** 2
    term2 = cos(phi1) * cos(phi2) * term2
    wrk = sqrt(term1 + term2)
    wrk = 2.0 * radius * asin(wrk)
    return wrk

def get_shifted_position(pos0, shift_lat_deg=0.0, shift_lon_deg=0.0):
    lat, lon = pos0
    return (lat + shift_lat_deg, lon + shift_lon_deg)

def calc_distance_center_shift(center, shift):
    distance with shifted (latitude, longitude)
    clat, clon = center
    slat, slon = shift

    lat_shifted = (clat + slat, clon + 0.0)
    dist_lat_km = calc_distance_2places(center, lat_shifted)

    lon_shifted = (clat + 0.0, clon + slon)
    dist_lon_km = calc_distance_2places(center, lon_shifted)
    return (dist_lat_km, dist_lon_km)


if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("Help on calc_distance_2places:")
    print("Help on calc_distance_center_shift:")

Test file v0.1

The import method doesn't look very good.

from UtilGeolocation import calc_distance_2places
from UtilGeolocation import calc_distance_center_shift
from UtilGeolocation import get_shifted_position

v0.1 Mar. 31, 2017
    - add Test_calc_distance_center_shift()
    - add Test_calc_distance_2places()
# codingrule:PEP8

def Test_calc_distance_2places():
    # at Location1
    Osaka1 = 34.702113, 135.494807
    Osaka2 = get_shifted_position(Osaka1, shift_lat_deg=1.0)
    print("  %.2f km for 1 deg latitude"
          % calc_distance_2places(Osaka1, Osaka2))
    Osaka2 = get_shifted_position(Osaka1, shift_lon_deg=1.0)
    print("  %.2f km for 1 deg longitude"
          % calc_distance_2places(Osaka1, Osaka2))

    # at Location2
    London1 = 51.476853, 0.0
    London2 = get_shifted_position(London1, shift_lat_deg=1.0)
    print("  %.2f km for 1 deg latitude"
          % calc_distance_2places(London1, London2))
    London2 = get_shifted_position(London1, shift_lon_deg=1.0)
    print("  %.2f km for 1 deg longitude"
          % calc_distance_2places(London1, London2))

def Test_calc_distance_center_shift():
    Osaka1 = 34.702113, 135.494807
    dist = calc_distance_center_shift(Osaka1, shift=(1.0, 1.0))
    print("  %.2f km, %.2f km" % dist)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Example of use


$ python 
Help on calc_distance_2places:

    distance based on Haversine formula

    (pos0, pos1[, radius])
      pos0 is (lat, lon) in [km]
      pos1 is (lat, lon) in [km]
      radius is in [km]
Help on calc_distance_center_shift:

    distance with shifted (latitude, longitude)


$ python 
  111.32 km for 1 deg latitude
  91.52 km for 1 deg longitude
  111.32 km for 1 deg latitude
  69.33 km for 1 deg longitude
  111.32 km, 91.52 km

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