[PYTHON] I made my own language (2)

It's time for your own language

It's been too cold lately and I'm about to die ...

I made it again

Yes, I updated it. The main changes are

--I also made my own error function / error. If you don't make your own, you won't be attached to it. --class / What is it, but I finally implemented the class. Object thinking, hurray! --I managed to get rid of the blanks when I printed. --The number of files has decreased dramatically. ――Thanks to that, execution has become lighter!

Click here for Omega-version 0.1.0 (Github) ->https://github.com/pythonmaster1027/Omega-version0.1.0

Torima code

File hierarchy

(Arbitrary directory)
 ├ main.py
 └ Omega.bat

There is very little code.


import os
import sys

class Start:#I want you to start

    def __init__(self):#Initialize
            self.f = open(sys.argv[1], "r", encoding="utf_8")
        except IndexError:
            print("Please specify the file name")
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print("File not found")
            print("To solve: Make the file path the full path")
        self.r = self.f.readlines()
        self.re = self.f.read()
        self.dic1 = {}

    def run(self):#I want you to run

        if "class Main{\n" in self.r:
            for line in self.r:
                line = line.replace("    ", "").replace(" ", "").split("//")[0]#line = self.Program read line by line from f
                if "print" and '"' in line:
                    pr = line.replace("print", "").replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace('"', "")
                #Variable definition
                elif line.startswith("int") or line.startswith("str"):
                    self.var = line.replace('\n', "")
                    varname = self.var.split("=")[0]#Variable name
                    if line.startswith("int"):
                            self.ele = eval(self.var.split("=")[-1].replace("int", ""))#int type element
                        except NameError:
                            print("Err: NameErr")
                            self.ele = "Not int"
                    elif line.startswith("str"):
                        self.ele = self.var.split("=")[-1].replace("str", "")#int type element
                    self.dic1[varname] = self.ele
                #Print that specifies a variable as an argument
                elif "print" in line:
                    line = line.replace("print", "").replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace("\n", "")

                elif line in "\n":
            print("Err:class[Main]Not found")

#Execution function definition
def main():
    s = Start()

#Execution department
if __name__ == '__main__':

Python code, that's it. Only. Next, Omega.bat.


@echo off
main.py %1


This language is composed of only 2 files. It's amazing that you can create a language with just two files. Next, I would like to implement the function definition as well.

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