Automatically format Python code in Vim

List of things to use

This is the link of the plug-in used this time. Please check the README etc. by yourself.

Install autopep8

pip install autopep8

Install vim plugin

If you manage vim plugins with dein, copy and paste the following line into plugin_lazy.toml. (If you are not using dein, use dein now)

repo = 'nvie/vim-flake8'
on_ft = ['python']

repo = 'tell-k/vim-autopep8'
on_ft = ['python']

Editing .vimrc

It is possible to execute it automatically before pushing to git or automatically when saving the file, but it is scary even if it is executed too much, so it is automatic when you press sift + f on vim Set to perform formatting. Add the following to .vimrc.

"autopep8<sift>+Run with f
function! Preserve(command)
    " Save the last search.
    let search = @/
    " Save the current cursor position.
    let cursor_position = getpos('.')
    " Save the current window position.
    normal! H
    let window_position = getpos('.')
    call setpos('.', cursor_position)
    " Execute the command.
    execute a:command
    " Restore the last search.
    let @/ = search
    " Restore the previous window position.
    call setpos('.', window_position)
    normal! zt
    " Restore the previous cursor position.
    call setpos('.', cursor_position)
function! Autopep8()
    call Preserve(':silent %!autopep8 --ignore=E501 -')
autocmd FileType python nnoremap <S-f> :call Autopep8()<CR>


This is based on the Stackoverflow page at here.

How to use

--When you press F7 in vim's normal mode, Flake8 is executed and you can see the parts that are not pep8 compliant. --Similarly, if you press sift + f in normal mode, Autopep8 will be executed and the source code will be automatically formatted.

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