Automatically generate Python Docstring Comment in Emacs

Docstring Comment like PyCharm in Emacs I wanted an automatic generation function, so I prepared a function.

Demo bbb.gif

Introduction method

Just paste the following code into init.el and load it. It is generated when the cursor is placed on the line of the function name definition and C-cd is executed.

;; docstring comment
(defun python-docstring-comment()
  (let* ((begin-point (point-at-bol))
         (end-point (point-at-eol))
         (function-line (buffer-substring begin-point end-point))
         (space (format "    %s" (replace-regexp-in-string "def.*" "" function-line))))
    (goto-char end-point)
    (insert "\n")
    (insert (format "%s\"\"\"\n" space))
    (when (string-match ".*(\\(.+\\)):" function-line)
      (dolist (arg (split-string (match-string 1 function-line) ","))
        (if (not (equal arg "self"))
            (insert (format "%s:param TYPE %s:\n" space (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\s-+\\|\\s-+$" "" arg))))))
    (insert (format "%s:rtype: TYPE\n" space))
    (insert (format "%s\"\"\"" space))))

(define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-c d") 'python-docstring-comment)

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