Generate U distribution in Python

Book: I wanted to generate the U distribution described in "Hands with Invisible Data: The Laws of Humans, Organizations, and Society Revealed by Wearable Sensors", so I programmed with Python. 2017.2.12 Fixed a code error.

More information about the book can be found on my blog at the link below. [Link]


import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

nindex = []

n = 0 nxxx = 0 nyyy = 0 x = np.random.rand(1000)*100 y = np.random.rand(1000)*100

while n < 1000: if x[n] < 10: nxxx = 1 elif x[n] < 20: nxxx = 2 elif x[n] < 30: nxxx = 3 elif x[n] < 40: nxxx = 4 elif x[n] < 50: nxxx = 5 elif x[n] < 60: nxxx = 6 elif x[n] < 70: nxxx = 7 elif x[n] < 80: nxxx = 8 elif x[n] < 90: nxxx = 9 elif x[n] <= 100: nxxx = 10

if y[n] < 10: nyyy = 1 elif y[n] < 20: nyyy = 2 elif y[n] < 30: nyyy = 3 elif y[n] < 40: nyyy = 4 elif y[n] < 50: nyyy = 5 elif y[n] < 60: nyyy = 6 elif y[n] < 70: nyyy = 7 elif y[n] < 80: nyyy = 8 elif y[n] < 90: nyyy = 9 elif y[n] <= 100: nyyy = 10

nindex.append([nxxx, nyyy]) n = n + 1 nxxx = 0 nyyy = 0 ite = 0 chk = 0 while ite < 1e4:

chk1 = 0 while chk1 == 0: x_strt = np.random.randint(1,11) y_strt = np.random.randint(1,11)

chk1 = nindex.count([x_strt,y_strt])

strt = nindex.index([x_strt,y_strt]) print 'index of start: ',strt print 'index of start: ',nindex[strt] print 'x_strt, y_strt: ',x_strt, y_strt

chk2 = 0 while chk2 == 0: x_dest = np.random.randint(1,11) y_dest = np.random.randint(1,11) chk2 = nindex.count([x_dest,y_dest]) print chk2

dest = nindex.index([x_dest,y_dest])

x[strt] = float(x_dest10)-np.random.uniform(0,10) y[strt] = float(y_dest10)-np.random.uniform(0,10) print 'dest x,y index: ', x_dest,' ', y_dest print 'dest crd: ',x[strt],y[strt] print

Update for nindex nindex[strt] = nindex[dest] ite = ite + 1

fig = plt.figure()

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

ax.scatter(x,y,s=1) ax.set_title('random plot') ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y')



The code is also up on GitHub. [Link]


<1 step later> up1.png

It's still even.

<10 steps later> up10.png

Does not change much

<100 steps later> up100.png

This also doesn't change much (at all?).

<1000 steps later> up1000.png

I feel that the bias has finally come out.

<2000 steps> up2000.png

This has come. The bias is clearly visible.

<10000 steps later> up10000.png

This is the U distribution.

I want to use this for something. I think.

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