Automatically create word and excel reports in python

excel edition

excel creation

import openpyxl as opy
book = opy.Workbook()

Check the name of the sheet

sheet1 =

Rename the sheet

sheet1.title = 'mysheet_1'

Create excel file'make_excel.xlsx')

Open an existing file

my_made = opy.load_workbook('make_excel.xlsx')

Edit the specified sheet

sheet2 =
table = my_made[sheet2.title]

Write a character by specifying a cell

table['A1'] = 'How is the weather today'

Reformat cells

from openpyxl.styles import Font
table['A1'].font = Font(bold=True,italic=True,size=28)

word edition

Up to 3.4 to specify docx with pip install After that, specify the package name with python-docx.

Create a file

import docx
doc = docx.Document()

Writing sentences

doc.add_paragraph('How is the weather today')

Insert image


Save file'make_word_today.doc')

that's all

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