Eigenvalues and eigenvectors: Linear algebra in Python <7>

linear algebra

The linear algebra that you will definitely learn at a science university is summarized in an easy-to-understand and logical manner. By the way, I implemented it in Python. Occasionally, it may be implemented in Julia. .. .. ・ Learn by running with Python! New Mathematics Textbook-Basic Knowledge Required for Machine Learning / Deep Learning- ・ World Standard MIT Textbook Strang Linear Algebra Introduction Understand linear algebra based on and implement it in python.


・ Jupyter Notebook ・ Language: Python3, Julia 1.4.0

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are used in principal component analysis to summarize data with artificial intelligence.

Eigenvalues, eigenvectors

Consider the square matrix A. For this matrix A


When meeting

λ is the eigenvalue of the matrix A\\
\vec{x}The eigenvectors of the matrix A\\

That is.

Intrinsic equation

Multiply the above equation by the identity matrix E, which does not affect the vector.


Transfer and organize the right side

(A-λE)\vec{x} = \vec{0}

This represents a vector with all 0 *** elements. On the other hand, even if the inverse matrix is considered, it is zero. It is a vector. This equation is called *** eigen equation ***.

Solving eigenvalues and eigenvectors with eigenvalues

(A-λE)\vec{x} = \vec{0}


A=\begin{pmatrix}3 & 1\\2 & 4\end{pmatrix}

As a concrete example. Then

det(A-λE)\vec{x} = 0\\
det(\begin{pmatrix}3 & 1\\2 & 4\end{pmatrix}-λ\begin{pmatrix}1 & 0\\0 & 1\end{pmatrix})\vec{x} = 0\\
det\begin{pmatrix}3-λ & 1\\2 & 4-λ\end{pmatrix} = 0\\
⇔(λ-2)(λ-5)= 0\\

This makes the *** eigenvalue 2 or 5 ***. Because the eigenvector also changes depending on the eigenvalue. Think about each of the cases 2 and 5.

\vec{x} = \begin{pmatrix}p\\q\end{pmatrix}

If you calculate with λ = 2,

det(A-λE)\vec{x} = 0\\
det(A-2E)\begin{pmatrix}p\\q\end{pmatrix} \\
&=\begin{pmatrix}1 & 1\\2 & 2\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}p\\q\end{pmatrix}\\
&=\begin{pmatrix}p+q\\2p+2q\end{pmatrix} \\
&= \vec{0} 

From this, it can be said that p + q = 0, so if you put an arbitrary real number t, the x vector will be


And the eigenvectors are obtained.

When λ = 5,


Will be.


Program to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors



import numpy as np

A = np.array([[3, 1],[2, 4]])

ev = np.linalg.eig(A)
[2. 5.]
[[-0.70710678 -0.4472136 ]
 [ 0.70710678 -0.89442719]]

Here we are using the linag.eig function. This is because the eigenvalues are in English and are called *** eigenvalue ***.

Let's make a principle program. This time, the eigenvalues are calculated.

python (principle)


import numpy as np
import sympy

#A = [[a, b],
#     [c, d]]
a = int(input())
b = int(input())
c = int(input())
d = int(input())

x = sympy.Symbol('x')
eigenequa = x**2 - (a + d)*x + (a * d) - (b * c)```
 factorization = sympy.factor(eigenequa)
solve = sympy.solve(eigenequa)
=>x**2 - 7*x + 10
=>[2, 5]

julia is so easy that I'll put it on.



using LinearAlgebra
F = eigen([3 1; 2 4;])

=>2-element Array{Float64,1}:
=> 2.0
=> 5.0
=>2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
=> -0.707107  -0.447214
=>  0.707107  -0.894427

Only 2 lines! Wow...

That's all for today

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