Impressions of people with experience in other languages learning Python using PyQ


――I have 4 years of experience in Java and 3 years in Javascript. ――I decided to use Python for a new project, and the members of the new project recommended PyQ. ――First of all, you have completed the grammar training for experienced program users and how to use the library, and have completed halfway through the Web application / API course. ――Since I am studying with the light plan, I do not ask any questions. ――Since we are about to get into practice, we may mention how useful it is later.

Qiita seemed to have only articles about PyQ more than a year ago, so I created an article with my own learning notes as a reference for those who want to start learning Python.

PyQ good place

--There is a grammar training course for experienced program users. Variables, character strings, simple calculations, and learning sites for inexperienced people gave me a rather quick explanation, and I was able to learn mainly about Python's habits. --There are courses that can be added to the basics such as Django, scraping, statistical analysis, machine learning, etc., and you can go into "what you want to do with Python" (* Since I have not learned anything other than Django, which course is which I don't know if it will be useful in practice). ――Not limited to Python, there is a glossary of words used in programming, so I think it is kind to beginners. There are many links to the official document as a reference, so it seems to be a good habit to check the official document. ――The latest version is always supported. As of February 2020, it works with Python 3.8 except for some. ――Learning records will remain as if you grow grass on Git. Let's increase the green!

Not good place

――It works on the browser for good or bad, so you need to learn separately to build the environment and execute the actual program (* The explanation of the environment construction is on PyQ) ――The basic course is made with the basic premise of copying sutras (explanation → execution result → source code and problem for copying sutras), so I think that it may not fit. Explanation → I personally thought that I wanted to make a sutra copy if there was an exercise and I didn't understand it. There are exercises for each certain curriculum. ――Since I entered the web application (Django), there are some parts where the explanation on PyQ is not enough, so I have to check the official document more. --I want to use the IDE (selfish). ――It was even better if you could select the version. I'm using 3.6 at the site, so I don't want to see different details, and I wish I could switch.


I have the impression that it is not bad. Since Python is a scripting language, it is easier to build and execute the environment, but beginners tend to get tired of it and stumble, so (although there are many other learning sites) it is all completed with a browser. It's easy to understand. On the other hand, I have experience developing in Java, and as a result of relying too much on the IDE, I sometimes find it frustrating to have no autocomplete functionality or syntax checking. I think that grammar speed learning for experienced people is really good, so I'm personally happy if I can see all the content without learning on PyQ. I want to use PyQ instead of text, put an IDE on my terminal, and learn while running Python. .. ..

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