Implement ranking processing with ties in Python using Redis Sorted Set


The story of real-time ranking using Redis Sorted Set has already been messed up, but I felt like I searched quickly, and I could not find a concrete implementation example in Python, so I usually simplify the library that I use in-house. I will introduce it.

Source Code

Ranking processing

from datetime import timedelta
from .rankinglist import RankingList

_default_expire = int(timedelta(weeks=2).total_seconds())

class Ranking(object):
    def __init__(self, client, key, expire=_default_expire):
Initialize the class.

        :param object client:Redis client.
        :param string key:Ranking identifier.
        :param int expire:Ranking expiration date.Two weeks if omitted.
        self._r = client
        self._key = key
        self._expire = expire

    def push(self, unique_id, value):
Update the ranking.

        :param string unique_id:ID to rank.
        :param string value:Ranking source value(Points etc.)
        self._r.zadd(self._key, long(value), unique_id)

    def get_rank(self, unique_id):
Get the ranking.

        :param string unique_id:ID to rank.
        value = self._r.zscore(self._key, unique_id)
        if value is None:
            return None
        return self._r.zcount(self._key, '({}'.format(int(value)), 'inf') + 1

    def get_range(self, start, end):
Get the ranking range.

        :param int start:Start position of subscript.
        :param int end:End position of subscript. start=0 and end=At 0,Get the first one.
        :return: ['push()Unique specified in_id', ...]
        result = self._r.zrevrange(self._key, start, end)
        return result

    def get_count(self):
Get the number of cases.

        return self._r.zcard(self._key)

    def touch(self):
Extend the expiration date of the ranking.
        push()And get_rank()But it will be executed.
        self._r.expire(self._key, self._expire)

    def clean(self):
Delete ranking.

    def gen_list(self, wrapper=None):
Get a ranking list.

        :param function wrapper:Function that wraps the element
        :return:RankingList object

RankingList,Act as a List to some extent.
Used when passing to Django's Paginator, etc..
        return RankingList(self, wrapper)

A little confusing are get_rank () and gen_list (). gen_rank () counts the number of people higher than the current score in order to obtain a ranking that takes into account the ties. The RankingList object returned by gen_list () will be described later.

Treat the ranking as a list

class RankingList(object):
    def __init__(self, rank, wrapper=None):
        self._rank = rank
        self._wrapper = wrapper

    def __getitem__(self, k):
        if isinstance(k, slice):
            start = k.start if k.start else 0
            end = k.stop - 1 if k.stop else self.__len__() - 1
            step = k.step

            unique_ids = self._rank.get_range(start, end)
            if step:
                unique_ids = unique_ids[::step]

            return [self._wrap(unique_id) for unique_id in unique_ids]
            if self.__len__() <= k:
                raise IndexError('list index out of range')
            unique_ids = self._rank.get_range(k, k)
            return self._wrap(unique_ids[0])

    def _wrap(self, unique_id):
        return self._wrapper(unique_id) if self._wrapper else unique_id

    def __len__(self):
        return self._rank.get_count()

Delegate Ranking to a RankingList that behaves like a Python List. Also, by passing Wapper, Object is generated and returned based on the unique_id extracted from Redis.

How to use

>>> from redis import Redis
>>> from ranking import Ranking
>>> ranking = Ranking(Redis(), 'event1')
>>> ranking.push('p1', 200)
>>> ranking.push('p2', 100)
>>> ranking.push('p3', 300)
>>> ranking.push('p1', 1000)
>>> ranking.push('p4', 1000)
>>> l1 = ranking.gen_list() # ['p4', 'p1', 'p3', 'p2']
>>> l1[2:] # ['p3', 'p2']
>>> import Player # e.g. Django Model
>>> def wrapper(id):
        return Player.objects.get(pk=id)
>>> l2 = ranking.gen_list(wrapper) # [Player('p4'), Player('p1'), Player('p3'), Player('p2')]
>>> l2[2:] # [Player('p3'), Player('p2')]
>>> [ranking.get_rank(player_id) for player_id in l1] # [1, 1, 2, 3]

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