Handle Base91 keys with python + redis.

I want to easily shorten the length of the Redis key.

I want to be able to put trillions of types of data into Redis at a certain business request. At that time, I want to make the key as short as possible. ... "Base N" encoding summary I noticed.

If you use Base91, you can use 7 characters.

919191919191 >909090909090 = 531,441,000,000> 500B = 500 billion ways

Therefore, even if the first character is limited to the alphabet, it is possible to express the key type of trillion digits. Below, I'll leave a report for someone who is (super) busy who has to do something similar. Access redis via python2 (2.7.13).

Character string used in "Base91 encoding"

As follows: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~"

If defined in python.

Is it like this?


base90 ="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~"
base91=base90 + '"'

Base91 string input test to redis.

Launch redis and write abandoned cards.

python2 code


from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import redis
import time

r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

#Base91 encoding 
base90 ="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~"
base91=base90 + '"'

#for baseNN (1 <= N <= 95) 
LNN = len(baseNN)
test ="test!#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~"

start = time.time()
print "Insert to redis:"
with r.pipeline() as pipe:
    for key in range(LNN):
        val = baseNN[key]
        #cf "print string," http://www.lifewithpython.com/2013/12/python-print-without-.html
        print key, val, ";",
        pipe.hset(test, key,val)
        pipe.hset(test, val,key)
stop = time.time()

def test_hget(k):
    ret = r.hget(test,k)
    print k,"->",ret, "   ",
print "time",(stop - start)
print "Test reads:" 

for key in range(LNN):
    val = baseNN[key]


Put data into redis as hash key value:

Insert to redis: 0 A ; 1 B ; 2 C ; 3 D ; 4 E ; 5 F ; 6 G ; 7 H ; 8 I ; 9 J ; 10 K ; 11 L ; 12 M ; 13 N ; 14 O ; 15 P ; 16 Q ; 17 R ; 18 S ; 19 T ; 20 U ; 21 V ; 22 W ; 23 X ; 24 Y ; 25 Z ; 26 a ; 27 b ; 28 c ; 29 d ; 30 e ; 31 f ; 32 g ; 33 h ; 34 i ; 35 j ; 36 k ; 37 l ; 38 m ; 39 n ; 40 o ; 41 p ; 42 q ; 43 r ; 44 s ; 45 t ; 46 u ; 47 v ; 48 w ; 49 x ; 50 y ; 51 z ; 52 0 ; 53 1 ; 54 2 ; 55 3 ; 56 4 ; 57 5 ; 58 6 ; 59 7 ; 60 8 ; 61 9 ; 62 ! ; 63 # ; 64 $ ; 65 % ; 66 & ; 67 ( ; 68 ) ; 69 * ; 70 + ; 71 , ; 72 . ; 73 / ; 74 : ; 75 ; ; 76 < ; 77 = ; 78 > ; 79 ? ; 80 @ ; 81 [ ; 82 ] ; 83 ^ ; 84 _ ; 85 ` ; 86 { ; 87 | ; 88 } ; 89 ~ ; 90 " ; time 0.020693063736

Reading Base91 key values from redis:

0 -> 52     A -> 0    
1 -> 53     B -> 1    
2 -> 54     C -> 2    
3 -> 55     D -> 3    
4 -> 56     E -> 4    
5 -> 57     F -> 5    
6 -> 58     G -> 6    
7 -> 59     H -> 7    
8 -> 60     I -> 8    
9 -> 61     J -> 9    
10 -> K     K -> 10    
11 -> L     L -> 11    
12 -> M     M -> 12    
13 -> N     N -> 13    
14 -> O     O -> 14    
15 -> P     P -> 15    
16 -> Q     Q -> 16    
17 -> R     R -> 17    
18 -> S     S -> 18    
19 -> T     T -> 19    
20 -> U     U -> 20    
21 -> V     V -> 21    
22 -> W     W -> 22    
23 -> X     X -> 23    
24 -> Y     Y -> 24    
25 -> Z     Z -> 25    
26 -> a     a -> 26    
27 -> b     b -> 27    
28 -> c     c -> 28    
29 -> d     d -> 29    
30 -> e     e -> 30    
31 -> f     f -> 31    
32 -> g     g -> 32    
33 -> h     h -> 33    
34 -> i     i -> 34    
35 -> j     j -> 35    
36 -> k     k -> 36    
37 -> l     l -> 37    
38 -> m     m -> 38    
39 -> n     n -> 39    
40 -> o     o -> 40    
41 -> p     p -> 41    
42 -> q     q -> 42    
43 -> r     r -> 43    
44 -> s     s -> 44    
45 -> t     t -> 45    
46 -> u     u -> 46    
47 -> v     v -> 47    
48 -> w     w -> 48    
49 -> x     x -> 49    
50 -> y     y -> 50    
51 -> z     z -> 51    
52 -> 0     0 -> 52    
53 -> 1     1 -> 53    
54 -> 2     2 -> 54    
55 -> 3     3 -> 55    
56 -> 4     4 -> 56    
57 -> 5     5 -> 57    
58 -> 6     6 -> 58    
59 -> 7     7 -> 59    
60 -> 8     8 -> 60    
61 -> 9     9 -> 61    
62 -> !     ! -> 62    
63 -> #     # -> 63    
64 -> $     $ -> 64    
65 -> %     % -> 65    
66 -> &     & -> 66    
67 -> (     ( -> 67    
68 -> )     ) -> 68    
69 -> *     * -> 69    
70 -> +     + -> 70    
71 -> ,     , -> 71    
72 -> .     . -> 72    
73 -> /     / -> 73    
74 -> :     : -> 74    
75 -> ;     ; -> 75    
76 -> <     < -> 76    
77 -> =     = -> 77    
78 -> >     > -> 78    
79 -> ?     ? -> 79    
80 -> @     @ -> 80    
81 -> [     [ -> 81    
82 -> ]     ] -> 82    
83 -> ^     ^ -> 83    
84 -> _     _ -> 84    
85 -> `     ` -> 85    
86 -> {     { -> 86    
87 -> |     | -> 87    
88 -> }     } -> 88    
89 -> ~     ~ -> 89    
90 -> "     " -> 90    

From the terminal side:

./redis-cli> keys *

  1. "test!#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~"

Okay ♪

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