Bingo with python

Bingo with python to kill time. I hate GUI so I don't use it 5 * 5 squares.

from random import choice
import itertools
import sys

def gett(dict, val):
    return [k for k, v in dict.items() if v == val]

def op(list1, list2):
    for x in list2:
        hmm = len(x)
        if len(set(x) & set(list1)) == hmm:
            return True
    return False

def bingo():
    input("Please press the enter key.")
    lis = list(range(1, 76))

    def bingo_():
        bingo_print = ""
        for x in range(25):
            c_c = choice(lis)
            if x % 5 == 4:
                bingo_print += str(c_c)+"\n"
            elif x == 12:
                print("×  ", end="")
                bingo_print += "×  "
                if len(str(c_c)) == 1:
                    end_ = "  "
                    end_ = " "
                print(c_c, end=end_)
                bingo_print += str(c_c)+end_
        ch = bingo_print.split("\n")
        p = [x.split(" ") for x in ch]
        for x in p:
            for y in x:
                if not y:
        bind = dict(enumerate(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(p))))
        print("\033[A", end="")
        k = 0
        xxx = list(range(1, 76))
        while k < 40:
            i = "×"
            while i == "×":
                i = choice(list(bind.values()))
            for x in range(25000):
                print("\r" + str(choice(xxx)), end="")
            print("\r" + str(i))
            if i in list(bind.values()):
                print("\033[31mATARI!! OMEDETO!!\033[0m")
                for x, y in enumerate(list(bind.values())):
                    if y == i:
                        bind[gett(bind, y)[0]] = "×"
                        y = "×"
                    x = int(x)
                    if x % 5 == 4:
                        if len(str(y)) == 1 or y == "×":
                            e = "  "
                            e = " "
                        print(y, end=e)
                xyz = sorted(gett(bind, "×"))
                zyx = [
                    list(range(5, 10)),
                    list(range(10, 15)),
                    list(range(15, 20)),
                    list(range(20, 25)),
                    [x*5 for x in range(5)],
                    [x*5+1 for x in range(5)],
                    [x*5+1 for x in range(5)],
                    [x*5+2 for x in range(5)],
                    [x*5+3 for x in range(5)],
                    [x*5+4 for x in range(5)],
                    [x*6 for x in range(5)],
                    [x*4 for x in range(4)]
                global foo
                foo = op(xyz, zyx)
                print("HAZURE!! MATAARUSA!!")
                foo = False
            k += 1
            if k < 40:
                i = input("Did you become a bingo?\n(Y /N)")
                if i.lower() == "y":
                    if foo:
                        print("Congrats(・ З ・)")
                    print("Liar ┌(┌^o^)┐")
                elif i.lower() == "n":
                    if foo:
                        print("Liar ┌(┌^o^)┐")
                        print("Iiko Iiko(  ˊᵕˋ  )")
                    print("Illegal string")


It took 3 hours. that was so hard

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