Learning Python with ChemTHEATER 05-1

Part 5 Plot of ChemTHEATER data on a map (Part 1)

Chap.0 Overall flow

In Part 5, the measured chemical substance concentrations are plotted on a map using the ChemTHEATER data. So to speak, it is a simple GIS.
In the first part, we aim to create an animation by connecting data processing to plotting on a map, and in the second part, connecting the output image data.


Loading the Chap.1 library

If you have not installed Cartopy, install it in advance.

conda install -c conda-forge cartopy

Then, load the following library.

%matplotlib inline
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cartopy import crs as ccrs

Again, start by importing the libraries needed for processing.
The first line is, as usual, a command to display the output of matplotlib.
In Part 5, the following libraries will be used. (Refer to the second and subsequent lines)
Both are already installed on Anaconda3 (Windows 64bit version).
This time, we will use cartopy to display the map on the graph of matplotlib.

Library Overview Purpose of use this time Official URL
os Standard library Directory manipulation https://docs.python.org/ja/3/library/os.html
NumPy Numerical calculation library Used for numerical calculation in statistical processing https://www.numpy.org
itertools Generate iterator 1
Standard library
Used to streamline loop processing https://docs.python.org/ja/3/library/itertools.html
pandas Data analysis library Used for data processing and formatting https://pandas.pydata.org
Matplotlib Graph drawing library Used for data visualization https://matplotlib.org
cartopy Map drawing library Used for visualization of map data https://scitools.org.uk/cartopy/docs/latest

Reading Chap.2 data

Now that the library is ready, let's load the data. Since we will be using data from marine mammals this time, search for Sample Type as "Biotic --Mammals --Marine mammals" in the Sample Search of ChemTHEATER. From the search results, click "Export samples" and "Export measured data" to download the sample list and measured value list files, respectively. Save the file in any directory and read it from your notebook as follows.

data_file = "measureddata_20191002074038.tsv"    #Change the string entered in the variable to the tsv file name of your measured data
data = pd.read_csv(data_file, delimiter="\t")
data = data.drop(["ProjectID", "ScientificName", "RegisterDate", "UpdateDate"], axis=1)    #Remove duplicate columns when joining with samples later
MeasuredID SampleID ChemicalID ChemicalName ExperimentID MeasuredValue AlternativeData Unit Remarks
0 1026 SAA000173 CH0000034 PCB4+PCB10 EXA000001 0.010 <1.00E-2 ng/g lipid NaN
1 1027 SAA000173 CH0000035 PCB8 EXA000001 0.010 <1.00E-2 ng/g lipid NaN
2 1028 SAA000173 CH0000037 PCB19 EXA000001 0.010 <1.00E-2 ng/g lipid NaN
3 1029 SAA000173 CH0000038 PCB22 EXA000001 0.010 <1.00E-2 ng/g lipid NaN
4 1030 SAA000173 CH0000039 PCB28 EXA000001 32.000 NaN ng/g lipid NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7098 27705 SAA002002 CH0000094 PCB208 EXA000001 77.249 NaN ng/g lipid NaN
7099 27706 SAA002002 CH0000088 PCB194 EXA000001 512.160 NaN ng/g lipid NaN
7100 27707 SAA002002 CH0000092 PCB205 EXA000001 3.000 <3.00E+0 ng/g lipid NaN
7101 27708 SAA002002 CH0000093 PCB206 EXA000001 81.947 NaN ng/g lipid NaN
7102 27709 SAA002002 CH0000095 PCB209 EXA000001 127.064 NaN ng/g lipid NaN

7103 rows × 9 columns

sample_file = "samples_20191002074035.tsv"    #Change the string entered in the variable to the tsv file name of your samples
sample = pd.read_csv(sample_file, delimiter="\t")
ProjectID SampleID SampleType TaxonomyID UniqCodeType UniqCode SampleName ScientificName ...
0 PRA000003 SAA000173 ST004 34892 es-BANK EW00884 M32582 Neophocaena phocaenoides ...
1 PRA000003 SAA000174 ST004 34892 es-BANK EW00888 M32588 Neophocaena phocaenoides ...
2 PRA000003 SAA000175 ST004 34892 es-BANK EW00932 M32580 Neophocaena phocaenoides ...
3 PRA000003 SAA000176 ST004 34892 es-BANK EW00929 M33556 Neophocaena phocaenoides ...
4 PRA000003 SAA000177 ST004 34892 es-BANK EW00934 M32548 Neophocaena phocaenoides ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
197 PRA000036 SAA002159 ST004 103596 es-BANK EW04779 060301-1 Peponocephala electra ...
198 PRA000036 SAA002160 ST004 103596 es-BANK EW00115 M32625 Peponocephala electra ...
199 PRA000036 SAA002161 ST004 103596 es-BANK EW00122 M32633 Peponocephala electra ...
200 PRA000036 SAA002162 ST004 103596 es-BANK EW00116 M32626 Peponocephala electra ...
201 PRA000036 SAA002163 ST004 103596 es-BANK EW00117 M32627 Peponocephala electra ...

202 rows × 66 columns

Chap.3 Data preparation

Prepare to be able to plot the DataFrame read in Chap.2 on the map. First, combine measured data and samples and delete the N / A column.

df = pd.merge(data, sample, on="SampleID")

df = df.dropna(how='all', axis=1)
MeasuredID SampleID ChemicalID ChemicalName ExperimentID MeasuredValue AlternativeData Unit ...
0 1026 SAA000173 CH0000034 PCB4+PCB10 EXA000001 0.010 <1.00E-2 ng/g lipid ...
1 1027 SAA000173 CH0000035 PCB8 EXA000001 0.010 <1.00E-2 ng/g lipid ...
2 1028 SAA000173 CH0000037 PCB19 EXA000001 0.010 <1.00E-2 ng/g lipid ...
3 1029 SAA000173 CH0000038 PCB22 EXA000001 0.010 <1.00E-2 ng/g lipid ...
4 1030 SAA000173 CH0000039 PCB28 EXA000001 32.000 NaN ng/g lipid ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7098 27705 SAA002002 CH0000094 PCB208 EXA000001 77.249 NaN ng/g lipid ...
7099 27706 SAA002002 CH0000088 PCB194 EXA000001 512.160 NaN ng/g lipid ...
7100 27707 SAA002002 CH0000092 PCB205 EXA000001 3.000 <3.00E+0 ng/g lipid ...
7101 27708 SAA002002 CH0000093 PCB206 EXA000001 81.947 NaN ng/g lipid ...
7102 27709 SAA002002 CH0000095 PCB209 EXA000001 127.064 NaN ng/g lipid ...

7103 rows × 39 columns

Next, extract the necessary data. This time, we will handle data on four types of chemical substances (ΣPCBs, ΣDDTs, ΣCHLs, ΣHCHs) with the unit [ng / g lipid].

data_lipid = df[df["Unit"] == "ng/g lipid"]
data_lipid = data_lipid[(data_lipid["ChemicalName"] == "ΣPCBs") | (data_lipid["ChemicalName"] == "ΣDDTs") |
                        (data_lipid["ChemicalName"] == "ΣCHLs") | (data_lipid["ChemicalName"] == "ΣHCHs")]

This completes the extraction of the necessary data. For confirmation, obtain a list of species and chemical names included in this dataset.

lipid_species = data_lipid["ScientificName"].unique()
lipid_chemicals = data_lipid["ChemicalName"].unique()

lipid_species, lipid_chemicals
(array(['Peponocephala electra', 'Neophocaena phocaenoides',
        'Sousa chinensis', 'Stenella coeruleoalba'], dtype=object),
 array(['ΣPCBs', 'ΣDDTs', 'ΣCHLs', 'ΣHCHs'], dtype=object))

Also, here, DataFrame / data_lipid is output in CSV format so that the same data can be used in the second part. CSV output uses Pandas' to_csv method.


Chap.4 Plot on map

Sec.4-1 Base diagram

Next, we will plot on the map, which is the main part of this time. But first, let's carefully check how to create a map.
Since the graph this time will be output on the map, the map will be output first. In Python, you can use cartopy to output a map on matplotlib.

ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())


Next, check the glag that is overlaid on the map. This time, the points in the two-dimensional space of latitude and longitude are plotted as measurement points, so the data is drawn as a scatter plot.
Before drawing, select the data for each species included in data_lipid.

df_0 = data_lipid[(data_lipid["ChemicalName"] == "ΣPCBs") & (data_lipid["ScientificName"] == lipid_species[0])]    #Melon-headed whale ΣPCBs
df_1 = data_lipid[(data_lipid["ChemicalName"] == "ΣPCBs") & (data_lipid["ScientificName"] == lipid_species[1])]    #Finless porpoise ΣPCBs
df_2 = data_lipid[(data_lipid["ChemicalName"] == "ΣPCBs") & (data_lipid["ScientificName"] == lipid_species[2])]    #Sinaus Iro Dolphin ΣPCBs
df_3 = data_lipid[(data_lipid["ChemicalName"] == "ΣPCBs") & (data_lipid["ScientificName"] == lipid_species[3])]    #Striped dolphin ΣPCBs

When the data is more divided, try scatter plotting. The graph drawing of matplotlib can be overlaid on top, so you can add images one by one.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes()

#CollectionLongitudeFrom,Extract latitude / longitude information from CollectionLatitudeFrom
ax.scatter(x = np.array(df_0["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_0["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), c = "red", alpha=0.5)
ax.scatter(x = np.array(df_1["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_1["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), c = "blue", alpha=0.5)
ax.scatter(x = np.array(df_2["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_2["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), c = "yellow", alpha=0.5)
ax.scatter(x = np.array(df_3["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_3["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), c = "green", alpha=0.5)


Sec.4-2 Scatter plot + equirectangular projection

Now that we have drawn the base figure, let's draw it by superimposing them.


fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.scatter(x = np.array(df_0["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_0["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), c = "red", alpha=0.5)
ax.scatter(x = np.array(df_1["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_1["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), c = "blue", alpha=0.5)
ax.scatter(x = np.array(df_2["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_2["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), c = "yellow", alpha=0.5)
ax.scatter(x = np.array(df_3["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_3["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), c = "green", alpha=0.5)


Sec.4-3 Improvement of Sec.4-2

I was able to output for the time being with Sec.4-2. However, in the current state, the map range is set automatically. Since this is only automatically processed so that the entire range in which the data exists is included, the range changes depending on the data to be handled. Here, the map is fixed within an appropriate range.

By using the set_xlim and set_ylim methods of matplotlib, the range of the X-axis direction and Y-axis direction of the graph to be drawn can be determined respectively.


fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.scatter(x = np.array(df_0["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_0["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), c = "red", alpha=0.5)
ax.scatter(x = np.array(df_1["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_1["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), c = "blue", alpha=0.5)
ax.scatter(x = np.array(df_2["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_2["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), c = "yellow", alpha=0.5)
ax.scatter(x = np.array(df_3["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_3["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), c = "green", alpha=0.5)
ax.set_xlim(90,180)    #Range in the X-axis (longitude) direction to draw
ax.set_ylim(15, 60)    #Range in the Y-axis (latitude) direction to draw


Chap.5 Output in one sheet

As you can see in

Chap.3, this DataFrame contains data of 4 kinds of chemical substances, so let's output 4 of them side by side in a single sheet. </ p>

First, as we did in Chap.4, we sort out the data for each chemical substance, but since there are 16 combinations (4 types of biological and chemical substances each) in total, we list them here. Collectively, it takes the form of reading sequentially when drawing. At this time, it is necessary to generate each combination (for example, ΣPCBs of finless porpoise), so use the function of Python iterator 1 to directly product. We will ask for 2 . In other words, the direct product of the list of chemical substances (lipid_chemicals) and the list of species names (lipid_species) is obtained, and all 16 combination patterns are derived.

df_list = []
for k1, k2 in itertools.product(lipid_chemicals, lipid_species):
    df_list.append(data_lipid[(data_lipid["ChemicalName"] == k1) & (data_lipid["ScientificName"] == k2)])    #Extract data for each combination


ax = [0]*4
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))
for i in range(4): 
    ax[i] = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, i+1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())    #Added area to draw graph
    ax[i].scatter(x = np.array(df_list[4*i+0]["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_list[4*i+0]["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]),
                  c = "red", alpha=0.5)    #Melon-headed whale
    ax[i].scatter(x = np.array(df_list[4*i+1]["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_list[4*i+1]["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), 
                  c = "blue", alpha=0.5)    #Finless porpoise
    ax[i].scatter(x = np.array(df_list[4*i+2]["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_list[4*i+2]["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), 
                  c = "yellow", alpha=0.5)    #Cinaus dolphin
    ax[i].scatter(x = np.array(df_list[4*i+3]["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_list[4*i+3]["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), 
                  c = "green", alpha=0.5)    #Striped dolphin
    ax[i].set_ylim(15, 60)


This only reflects the measurement points, so plot the measured values on the map as well. Let's reflect it in the radius of each scatter point. All you have to do is assign the data in the MeasuredValue column to the s parameter of the scatter method that draws the scatter plot.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))
for i in range(4): 
    ax[i] = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, i+1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
    ax[i].scatter(x = np.array(df_list[4*i+0]["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_list[4*i+0]["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), s=np.array(df_list[4*i+0]["MeasuredValue"]), c = "red", alpha=0.5)
    ax[i].scatter(x = np.array(df_list[4*i+1]["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_list[4*i+1]["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), s=np.array(df_list[4*i+1]["MeasuredValue"]), c = "blue", alpha=0.5)
    ax[i].scatter(x = np.array(df_list[4*i+2]["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_list[4*i+2]["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), s=np.array(df_list[4*i+2]["MeasuredValue"]), c = "yellow", alpha=0.5)
    ax[i].scatter(x = np.array(df_list[4*i+3]["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_list[4*i+3]["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), s=np.array(df_list[4*i+3]["MeasuredValue"]), c = "green", alpha=0.5)
    ax[i].set_ylim(15, 60)


If the value of

MeasuredValue is substituted as it is into the radius of the scatter point, the circle of the graph of ΣDDTs will become large and all will overlap, so adjust so that the radius is small. Here, the size is uniformly set to 1/10. </ p>

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))
rate = [10,10,10,10]    #Variable indicating scale
for i in range(4): 
    ax[i] = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, i+1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
    ax[i].scatter(x = np.array(df_list[4*i+0]["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_list[4*i+0]["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), s=np.array(df_list[4*i+0]["MeasuredValue"])/rate[i], c = "red", alpha=0.3)
    ax[i].scatter(x = np.array(df_list[4*i+1]["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_list[4*i+1]["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), s=np.array(df_list[4*i+1]["MeasuredValue"])/rate[i], c = "blue", alpha=0.3)
    ax[i].scatter(x = np.array(df_list[4*i+2]["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_list[4*i+2]["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), s=np.array(df_list[4*i+2]["MeasuredValue"])/rate[i], c = "yellow", alpha=0.3)
    ax[i].scatter(x = np.array(df_list[4*i+3]["CollectionLongitudeFrom"]), y = np.array(df_list[4*i+3]["CollectionLatitudeFrom"]), s=np.array(df_list[4*i+3]["MeasuredValue"])/rate[i], c = "green", alpha=0.3)
    ax[i].set_ylim(15, 60)


Now you can plot the measurement results on the map. However, since all the data are displayed in an overlapping manner, it is very difficult to see, and the time-series changes cannot be seen in this figure. In the second part, we will animate to solve those problems.


1 An iterator is a mechanism that repeatedly accesses the next element in a type that collects data such as a list.

2 Cartesian product is to create a new set by extracting one element from each set and making a set as shown in the figure below. With Cartesian product.


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