Notes for Python beginners with experience in other languages 12 (+1) items by function


I've touched on some other languages, but I'm a recent introduction to Python. In the learning process, I picked up some functions that I was interested in compared to other languages and summarized them into 12 items (+ 1 extra).

Each item is almost independent, so you can skip it and read it. (Qiita has a table of contents function, so it's easy to skip reading!)

The operation has been confirmed with the Python 3.5.1 interpreter.

Define an empty function (pass statement)

When defining an empty function etc., if it is a language that uses curly braces ({}) to enclose the body of the function, there is no doubt, but Python does not use parentheses and represents blocks with indentation. So I don't know intuitively what to do.

In conclusion, use the pass statement. By the way, although not written here, ** the same is true for empty classes **.

7.4. pass statement (7. simple statement — Python 3.5.1 documentation)

>>> def foo():
...     pass
>>> foo()

Even if I write a blank line with indentation on the second line, the following error occurs. You will get the same error without writing the second line. (In the example, I don't know if it is blank, so I put a comment.)

>>> def foo():
...      #
  File "<stdin>", line 3

IndentationError: expected an indented block

If you write only the appropriate value without writing return, it seems to work as in the case of the pass statement, but since the meaning of an empty function is not clear, the method is × I suppose.

>>> def foo():
...     pass
>>> foo()
>>> def bar():
...     0
>>> type(foo())
<class 'NoneType'>
>>> type(bar())
<class 'NoneType'>

Of course, pass is a ** statement **, so it cannot be used as an object.

>>> o = pass
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    o = pass
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Import and namespace

Suppose you have a file called foo / that looks like this: (The description at the beginning is omitted)

import inspect

def baz():
	print('module=', __name__, ', func=', inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)

def qux():
	print('module=', __name__, ', func=', inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)

(ʻInspect.currentframe (). F_code.co_name` is the code to get the function name from inside the function.)

Note: It seems that you need to put a file called in thefoo /directory to use this foo as a package, as it can be empty. However, this example works without

And if you want to call the function in it, it must be the full name. Only the module is imported, not the namespace.

>>> import
>>> bar.baz()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'bar' is not defined
module= , func= baz
module= , func= qux

To import bar as a namespace from within foo from foo import bar will do. Also, long names are difficult to use, so you can give them an alias with ʻas`. Of course, you can also combine the two.

>>> from foo import bar
>>> import as fb
>>> from foo import bar as b
>>> bar.baz()
module= , func=baz
>>> bar.qux()
module= , func=qux
>>> fb.baz()
module= , func=baz
>>> fb.qux()
module= , func=qux
>>> b.baz()
module= , func=baz
>>> b.qux()
module= , func=qux

If you use from import baz, you can import the baz function directly, but it is usually better not to use it because the namespace is confused except for some standard functions. It will be good. (By the way, the qux function is not imported in this case.)

This section describes how to call your own (local) module, but even if you use the installed library, the difference is that you specify the relative position of the module search path from each directory, but other things Is specified in the same way.

I want to rewrite a global variable from another scope

Variables defined in a module that are not closed to blocks are global variables.

(I'm a little unsure about the exact definition of this area. I wonder if the default namespace is the main module.)

If you newly define a variable with the same name as a global variable in the function, it becomes a local variable. This means that if you try to rewrite (reassign) a global variable in a function, it will be treated as a local variable.

What if I want to rewrite a global variable inside a function?

>>> gv = 'global'
>>> def foo():
...     gv = 'local'
...     print(gv)
>>> gv
>>> foo()
>>> gv

You can use the keyword global to declare that you want to use a global variable in that scope.

>>> gv = 'global'
>>> def foo():
...     global gv
...     gv = 'reassign'
...     print(gv)
>>> gv
>>> foo()
>>> gv

bonus: The functions globals () and locals () return dictionaries of global variables and local variables, respectively. There are a lot of global variables, so please actually execute them and check them.

Behavior when the default value of the formal argument is a variable object

In Python, you can write a value in a formal argument and set a default value.

>>> def foo(arr=[]):
...     arr.append('A')
...     print(arr)
>>> foo(['X', 'Y'])
['X', 'Y', 'A']
>>> foo()

So far, I think the behavior is as expected.

Following this, let's call the foo function with the same arguments omitted.

>>> foo()
['A', 'A']
>>> foo()
['A', 'A', 'A']

Not what I expected ...

Apparently, in Python, the default value specified for the formal argument is initialized when the function is declared, so the same instance is always used no matter how many times it is called. Therefore, if you specify a mutable object, it will look like this.

If you specify a default value, be sure to specify an immutable object.

In addition, Reference 1 introduced a method of judging by the ʻif statement using Noneas the default value. (Set the default value to an empty tuple and use thelist` function to list it, isn't it?)

Behavior when sharing captured values of closures

This is no problem, and it's just a normal closure operation as expected.

It looks like it's ready to share a reference to the captured variable.

>>> def foo():
...     a = []
...     def bar():
...         a.append(1)
...     def baz():
...         a.append(2)
...     return a, bar, baz
>>> a, bar, baz = foo()
>>> bar()
>>> a
>>> baz()
>>> a
[1, 2]
>>> bar()
>>> a
[1, 2, 1]

I want to add a new argument to a function with variable length arguments

I want to add a new argument to a function that takes a variable length argument, but even if I add it after it, it is passed as a variable length argument, and if I add it before, compatibility becomes strange, so what should I do?

This may be easier if you know the other languages it supports (I don't know exactly which one).

The answer is ** add an argument with a default value and specify it in "keyword format" when calling **.

You can just see the sample in the built-in function max.

max function (2. Built-in functions — Python 3.5.1 documentation)

max function (2. Built-in functions — Python 2.7.x documentation)

In the max function, the ordinal function key could not be specified in less than Python2.5, but it can be done in Python2.5 or later. key can only be specified in keyword format, but it can be extended while maintaining compatibility. But well, the interface of a function like max will specify it in keyword format even if it has key from the beginning.

The following code is an example of declaring a function with an argument structure similar to the max function.

>>> def foo(*args, opt=None):
...     print('args=', args, ', opt=', opt)
>>> foo(1, 2, 3)
args= (1, 2, 3) , opt= None
>>> foo(1, 2, 3, opt='hello')
args= (1, 2, 3) , opt= hello


You can hook access to class attributes (member variables), such as C # properties, accessors in Java beans, and so on.

When the Foo class has an attribute called text, you can declare properties using the property function.

>>> class Foo:
...     def __init__(self, text):
...         self.__text = text
...     def get_text(self):
...         print('get_text')
...         return self.__text
...     def set_text(self, text):
...         print('set_text')
...         self.__text = text
...     text = property(get_text, set_text)
>>> foo = Foo('foo')
>>> foo.text
>>> foo.text = 'FOO'
>>> foo.text

By the way, if you add two underscores (__) to the beginning of the name, you will not be able to access it with the same name. It cannot be completely hidden like a private member of an access-controlled language, but it can convey the intent of not exposing it.

>>> foo.__text
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Foo' object has no attribute '__text'
>>> foo._Foo__text

Properties can also be set in the decorator. This is ** a new style **.

Just a little about decorators. The decorator looks like C # attributes and Java annotations, but I think it's more like a macro or AOP. Please google for details.

>>> class Bar:
...     def __init__(self, text):
...         self.__text = text
...     @property
...     def text(self):
...         print('property')
...         return self.__text
...     @text.setter
...     def text(self, text):
...         print('text.setter')
...         self.__text = text
>>> bar = Bar('bar')
>>> bar.text
>>> bar.text = 'BAR'
>>> bar.text

Relationship between list and tuple

Since Python is a dynamically typed language, both can be used in the same way as sequences in principle, except that lists are variable and tuples are immutable.

By the way, Python tuples can be written without parentheses except for empty tuples, but it is better to put parentheses to clearly indicate that they are tuples.

>>> t1 = (1, 2, 3)
>>> t2 = 1, 2, 3
>>> t1
(1, 2, 3)
>>> t2
(1, 2, 3)
>>> type(t1)
<class 'tuple'>
>>> type(t2)
<class 'tuple'>

Lists and tuples can be converted to each other using the list and tuple functions.

>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> type(a)
<class 'list'>
>>> aa = tuple(a)
>>> aa
(1, 2, 3)
>>> type(aa)
<class 'tuple'>
>>> b = (4, 5, 6)
>>> type(b)
<class 'tuple'>
>>> bb = list(b)
>>> bb
[4, 5, 6]
>>> type(bb)
<class 'list'>

String format format

The so-called printf style format seems to be old style. However, old styles are not deprecated, it seems that old styles are just frozen in functionality, and new styles are more flexible to write.

Old styles are written as format string % value tuple.

>>> 'x=%d, y=%d' % (10, 20)
'x=10, y=20'

The new style uses the string format method. This style can be used flexibly in various ways, such as changing the order of passing and passing a dictionary as an argument.

>>> dict = {'x': 10, 'y': 20, 'z': 30}
>>> 'z={z:d}, y={y:d}, x={x:d}'.format(**dict)
'z=30, y=20, x=10'

There is also a template string, but I didn't know how to use it.

>>> from string import Template
>>> s = Template('--- $foo --- $bar ---')
>>> s.substitute(foo='Foo', bar='Bar')
'--- Foo --- Bar ---'
>>> d = {'foo': 100, 'bar': 200}
>>> s.substitute(d)
'--- 100 --- 200 ---'

See the reference below for more information. Format specification example (6.1. string — general string operations — Python 3.5.1 documentation)

6.1.4. Template strings (6.1. string — general string operations — Python 3.5.1 documentation)

Define a string representation of an object

How do I define methods like to_s in Ruby, toString in Java and JavaScript?

Python classes have special methods, __str__ and __repr__, which you can implement to define a string representation of an object.

__str__ defines the string representation when converting to a string with the str function or printing with the print function.

__repr__ is unique to Python and defines a string representation on the interpreter. (Abbreviation for representation?)

>>> class Foo:
...     def __init__(self, text):
...         self.text = text
...     def __str__(self):
...         return self.text
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return '%s(\'%s\')' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.text)
>>> Foo('foo')
>>> print(Foo('foo'))
>>> str(Foo('foo'))

First, the result of the __repr__ method is output as a representation on the interpreter. The second is the string representation of Foo (), that is, the result of the __str__ method is output by the print function. Third, the result of the __str__ method is also converted to a character string by the str function and output as a representation on the interpreter.

You can use the repr function to get the result of the __repr__ method as a string.

>>> s = repr(Foo())
>>> s

## Loan pattern (file open case)

 Use the `with` statement.
 You can do it with `try-finally`, but` with` is more concise.

 8.5. with statement (8. compound statement — Python 3.5.1 documentation)

 The following data


 Assuming you have a text file called `data.txt` with, let's convert this to a list of numeric tuples.

>>> with open('data.txt', 'r') as f:
...     a = [tuple(map(int, line.split(','))) for line in]
>>> a
[(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9)]

 → I was taught how to write these two lines more concisely. See the comments section.
 Thank you, @shiracamus.

 I've packed a lot, but I won't explain each one.
 Notice the line of the `with` statement.

## I want to use a dictionary that maintains the registered order

 If you need a dictionary that can iterate in the order you registered, like `LinkedHashMap` in Java
 Use the `collections` module ʻOrderedDict` instead of the built-in dictionary.

>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> d = dict([('y', 0), ('e', 0)])
>>> d
{'e': 0, 'y': 0}
>>> d['s'] = 0
>>> d
{'s': 0, 'e': 0, 'y': 0}
>>> for x in d:
...     print(x)
>>> od = OrderedDict([('y', 0), ('e', 0)])
>>> od
OrderedDict([('y', 0), ('e', 0)])
>>> od['s'] = 0
>>> od
OrderedDict([('y', 0), ('e', 0), ('s', 0)])
>>> for x in od:
...     print(x)

 If you want to know about other collections, check out the documentation for the `collections` module.

 8.3. collections — container data types — Python 3.5.1 documentation

## bonus

 A little bit about Python ideas and rules.

 PEP 8

 There is a coding rule called PEP 8. You should follow this for the time being.
 ~~ (This is not a standard feature.) ~~
 → You pointed out that PEP 8 itself is a guideline (document), and it is strange to say that it is not a standard function.
 `Pep8`, which checks the PEP 8 rules, and ʻautopep8`, which will be described later, need to be installed by` pip` etc., so these tools should have been written as "not standard features".
 Thank you for pointing out, @ryunix.

 Introduction — pep8-ja 1.0 documentation

 Comply with Python coding standard PEP8 --Qiita

 It can also be applied automatically with a tool called ʻautopep8`.
 (As long as you don't do work that humans don't have to do.)

 Postscript: The `pep8` command has been renamed to` pycodestyle`.
 See the comments section for more information.
 Thank you, @matobaa.

 PEP 20

 PEP 20 is something of a poetic form that expresses the idea of Python. Details are below.

 Ideas about Python: PEP 20 --Life with Python

### What is PEP

 PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal.
 For details, refer to the "Development" section of Python on English Wikipedia.

Python (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

### Compatibility with Python2

 Python2 series and Python3 series are not compatible.

 In my experience, which is still shallow, I felt that the handling of character strings has changed significantly.

 Please note that there are quite a lot of sample code scattered on the Web that you do not know which is Python2 and which is Python3.

## in conclusion

 Writing this article has become a great practice.
 The features I've covered here are just the very basics of Python, so from now on I'd like to wrestle with many libraries, tools and frameworks and start using Python in earnest.

 Until the end Thank you for reading.

## References

 Getting Started Python3 (O'REILLY)

 Python 3.5.1 documentation

 Many others

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