Note for formatting numbers with python format function

Frequently used format notes for the python format function.

>>> #As many as the number of arguments{}write
>>> print("{}{}".format(12, 34))

>>> #Specify the index of the argument
>>> print("{1}:{0}".format(12, 34))

>>> #Specify the number of digits(Filled with blanks)
>>> print("{1:4}:{0:3}".format(12, 34))
  34: 12

>>> #Comma in the thousandth place
>>> print("{:,}".format(123456789))

>>> #Right justify by specifying the number of digits
>>> print("→{:>8}←".format(12))
→      12←

>>> #Left justified by specifying the number of digits
>>> print("→{:<8}←".format(12))
→12      ←

>>> #Specify the number of decimal places
>>> print("{:>.4f}".format(12.456))

>>> #Specify the total number of digits and the number of digits after the decimal point
>>> print("→{:>8.4f}←".format(12.456))
→ 12.4560←

>>> #Specifying characters to fill in the number of digits
>>> print("→{:!>8}←".format(12))

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