[PYTHON] Draw a graph with NetworkX


This article summarizes how to visualize graphs created with NetworkX, a package for creating graphs (in graph theory with nodes and edges) in Python, with Matplotlib.

Basically, it is a Japanese translation of the NetworkX reference.

Drawing a graph

There are two ways to draw a graph created with NetworkX.

  1. Use Matplotlib
  2. Use the networkx.drawing package Please note that the networkx.drawing package is not yet compatible with Python versions 3.0 and above.

If you want to draw using Matplotlib, please import Matplotlib.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 

To see if the imported networkx.drawing package works, try running the following code


To show it on the display, execute the following command.


If you want to save the drawn graph to a file, do as follows.

plt.savefig("path_to_fig.png ")


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