[PYTHON] Draw a graph with PySimple GUI

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With the PySimple GUI you will be able to:

--You will be able to draw bar graphs, line graphs, etc. --Graph that updates the display regularly

For the basic operation of PySimpleGUI, please refer to If you use Tkinter, try using PySimpleGUI.


I think there are many people who analyze data as a way to use Python. Also, some people may want to visualize the analysis results with line graphs and bar graphs.

There are roughly two ways to use graphs with PySimpleGUI.

-Draw using graph-element --Embed matplotlib and draw

This time, I will explain how to create using graph-element.

About graph-element

graph-element is a class used for drawing. In tkinter, drawing is done using canvas, but the graph-element of PySimpleGUI is made easier to use by devising the coordinate system of canvs.

As a basic usage Use the Graph class to specify the size of the drawing area, the lower left coordinates (origin) of the drawing area, and the upper right coordinates.

graph = sg.Graph((500,500), (0,0), (500, 500))

After that, we will use each drawing method for the graph.

--DrawCircle: Draw a circle --DrawLine: Draw a line --DrawPoint: Place points --DrawRectangle: Draw a rectangle --DrawOval: Draw an arc --DrawImage: Display the image --DrawText: Draw characters

Of these, the following are used when drawing bar graphs and pie charts.

--DrawLine: Used to draw lines, auxiliary lines, and scales on line graphs. --DrawPoint: Used to draw plotted points on a line chart or to draw an arc like a sine wave --DrawText: Used to display graph labels and values per plot

Also use the following methods.

--Erase: Clears the drawing area. It is used for non to delete the graph that was being drawn when switching graphs. --Move: Moves what is drawn in the x and y directions. Used to move the graph in real time


I will post a summary of the official sample code. Switch the contents of the graph with the button

Execution screen graph_example.jpg


import PySimpleGUI as sg
from random import randint
import math
The following official samples are integrated into one

GRAPH_SIZE = (500, 500)
DATA_SIZE = (500, 500)

RAND_MAX = 400

#For polygonal lines

#bar graph

#Sign graph

DELAY = 15  #Time interval

#Setting the drawing area of the graph
graph = sg.Graph(GRAPH_SIZE, (0, 0), DATA_SIZE,
                 key='-GRAPH-', background_color='white',)

layout = [[sg.Text('chart demo')],
          [sg.Button('LINE'), sg.Button('chart'), sg.Button('Both'), sg.Button('pie chart'), sg.Button('Sine wave'),sg.Button('animation') ]]

window = sg.Window('Simple graph sample', layout)

before_value = 0  #Initialize line graph
delay = x = lastx = lasty = 0  #Animation initialization

is_animated = False

def draw_axis():
    """Draw auxiliary lines on the X and Y axes

Origin at the bottom left of the graph element(0,0)Is set as
Moving with the center of the graph area as the origin

    graph.draw_line((0, SIZE_Y), (SIZE_X*2, SIZE_Y))  #origin
    graph.draw_line((SIZE_X, 0), (SIZE_X, SIZE_Y*2))

    for x in range(0, SIZE_X*2, NUMBER_MARKER_FREQUENCY):
        graph.draw_line((x, SIZE_Y-3), (x, SIZE_Y+3))  #Draw a scale
        if x != 0:
            graph.draw_text(str(x-SIZE_X), (x, SIZE_Y-10),
                            color='green')  #Draw the value of the scale

    for y in range(0, SIZE_Y*2+1, NUMBER_MARKER_FREQUENCY):
        graph.draw_line((SIZE_X-3, y), (SIZE_X+3, y))
        if y != 0:
            graph.draw_text(str(y-SIZE_Y), (SIZE_X-10, y), color='blue')

while True:

    if is_animated:
        #Regularly'__TIMEOUT__'Event is issued
        event, values = window.Read(timeout=DELAY)
        event, values = window.Read()

    if event is None:

    if event == 'LINE':
        is_animated = False
        #Show labeled line chart
        graph.Erase()  #Graph display Delete both machines

        for i in range(PLOTS_NUMBER):
            graph_value = randint(0, 400)
            if i > 0:
                graph.DrawLine(((i-1) * LINE_BAR_SPACING + LINE_EDGE_OFFSET + LINE_BAR_WIDTH/2,  before_value),
                               (i * LINE_BAR_SPACING + LINE_EDGE_OFFSET + LINE_BAR_WIDTH/2, graph_value), color='green', width=1)

            #Display line label (y value)
            graph.DrawText(text=graph_value, location=(
                i * LINE_BAR_SPACING+EDGE_OFFSET+2, graph_value+10))

            graph.DrawPoint((i * LINE_BAR_SPACING + LINE_EDGE_OFFSET +
                             LINE_BAR_WIDTH/2, graph_value), size=3, color='green',)

            before_value = graph_value

    if event == 'chart':
        is_animated = False

        #Delete bar chart
        for i in range(PLOTS_NUMBER):
            graph_value = randint(0, 400)
            graph.DrawRectangle(top_left=(i * BAR_SPACING + EDGE_OFFSET, graph_value),
                                bottom_right=(i * BAR_SPACING + EDGE_OFFSET + BAR_WIDTH, 0), fill_color='blue')
            graph.DrawText(text=graph_value, location=(
                i*BAR_SPACING+EDGE_OFFSET+25, graph_value+10))

    if event == 'Both':
        is_animated = False

        #Show both line and bar charts
        for i in range(PLOTS_NUMBER):
            graph_value = randint(0, 400)
            graph.DrawRectangle(top_left=(i * BAR_SPACING + EDGE_OFFSET, graph_value),
                                bottom_right=(i * BAR_SPACING + EDGE_OFFSET + BAR_WIDTH, 0), fill_color='blue')
            graph.DrawText(text=graph_value, location=(
                i*BAR_SPACING+EDGE_OFFSET+25, graph_value+10))

            if i > 0:
                graph.DrawLine(((i-1) * LINE_BAR_SPACING + LINE_EDGE_OFFSET + LINE_BAR_WIDTH/2,  before_value),
                               (i * LINE_BAR_SPACING + LINE_EDGE_OFFSET + LINE_BAR_WIDTH/2, graph_value), color='green', width=1)

            graph.DrawText(text=graph_value, location=(
                i * LINE_BAR_SPACING+EDGE_OFFSET+2, graph_value+10))

            graph.DrawPoint((i * LINE_BAR_SPACING + LINE_EDGE_OFFSET +
                             LINE_BAR_WIDTH/2, graph_value), size=3, color='green',)
            before_value = graph_value

    if event == 'pie chart':
        is_animated = False
        # create_arc()Can't be filled because there is no fill
        graph.DrawArc( (50,50), (DATA_SIZE[0]-50, DATA_SIZE[1]-50), extent=-200, start_angle=90)
        graph.DrawArc( (50,50), (DATA_SIZE[0]-50, DATA_SIZE[1]-50), extent=-400, start_angle=-110 ,arc_color="yellow")
        graph.DrawArc( (50,50), (DATA_SIZE[0]-50, DATA_SIZE[1]-50), extent=-50,  start_angle=-510 , arc_color="blue")
        graph.DrawArc( (50,50), (DATA_SIZE[0]-50, DATA_SIZE[1]-50), extent=-50,  start_angle=-560 , arc_color="red")
        graph.DrawArc( (50,50), (DATA_SIZE[0]-50, DATA_SIZE[1]-50), extent=-20,  start_angle=-610 , arc_color="green")

    if event == 'Sine wave':
        is_animated = False

        prev_x = prev_y = None
        for x in range(0, SIZE_X*2):
            y = math.sin(x/75)*100 + SIZE_Y
            if prev_x is not None:
                graph.draw_line((prev_x, prev_y), (x, y), color='red')
            prev_x, prev_y = x, y

    if event == 'animation' or is_animated:

        if not is_animated:
            graph.Erase()  #Delete the graph once

        is_animated = True

        #Display a graph that moves in chronological order
        step_size, delay = GRAPH_STEP_SIZE, DELAY
        y = randint(0, GRAPH_SIZE[1])
        if x < GRAPH_SIZE[0]:  #First time
            # window['-GRAPH-'].DrawLine((lastx, lasty), (x, y), width=1)
            graph.DrawLine((lastx, lasty), (x, y), width=1)
            # window['-GRAPH-'].Move(-step_size, 0)  #Shift the entire graph to the left
            # window['-GRAPH-'].DrawLine((lastx, lasty), (x, y), width=1)
            graph.Move(-step_size, 0)  #Shift the entire graph to the left
            graph.DrawLine((lastx, lasty), (x, y), width=1)
            x -= step_size
            lastx, lasty = x, y
        lastx, lasty = x, y
        x += step_size


The difference from the official graph is that the coordinates of the sine wave started at (0,0) at the origin of the entire canvas this time, so the coordinates of (250,250) are shifted to the origin. In the official sample, the coordinates at the left end are (250, -250). Also, there is no official sample for the pie chart, and I tried to implement it independently using the DrawArc method, but there is no fill parameter that fills the inside of the circle, and the angle specification is unique and time-consuming. So I think it's better to stop making pie charts

By using the graph-element of PySimpleGUI, it is possible to create simple graphs such as bar graphs and line graphs, such as those created with the graph function of Excel.

About official graph related samples

PySimpleGUI has many sample files, and there are many useful samples that can be used as reference for implementation.

--Official demo - https://github.com/PySimpleGUI/PySimpleGUI/tree/master/DemoPrograms

--Official demo 2 - https://pysimplegui.trinket.io/demo-programs#/demo-programs/the-basic-pysimplegui-program

Here are some samples that I personally find useful and interesting.

Cooperation with matplotlib


Animation to sort


Real-time graph showing CPU usage



You can see that you can easily create graphs using PySimpleGUI. In the official sample of PySimpleGUI, there are some other samples using graphs, so please take a look if you are interested.

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