[PYTHON] [Visualization] I want to draw a beautiful graph with Plotly

this is

Plotly can draw beautiful graphs with a small amount of code, but since I used only matplotlib and did not know much, it is a memorandum of the person who tried to get started while checking.


Google colaboratory


If it is colab, there is no installation, but if you need it, you can install it with pip

pip install plotly

Data preparation

I have time series data that can be used immediately with seaborn, so I will use it. The following is data preparation, so skip it

import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
from calendar import month_name

month_name_mappings = {name[:3]: n for n, name in enumerate(month_name)}

#Just data preparation
df = sns.load_dataset('flights')
df["month"] = df.month.apply(lambda x: month_name_mappings[x])
df["year-month"] = pd.to_datetime(df.year.astype(str) + "-" + df.month.astype(str))
ts_data = df[["passengers", "year-month"]].set_index("year-month")["passengers"]
1949-01-01    112
1949-02-01    118
1949-03-01    132
1949-04-01    129
1949-05-01    121
1960-08-01    606
1960-09-01    508
1960-10-01    461
1960-11-01    390
1960-12-01    432
Name: passengers, Length: 144, dtype: int64

Simple data on the number of passengers per month.

basic operation

I will create a graph

import plotly.graph_objects as go

fig = go.Figure()


Now you have a graph.

#Line graph
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=ts_data.index, y=ts_data.values, name="passengers"))


Try to display the memory in logarithm

#Line graph
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=ts_data.index, y=ts_data.values, name="passengers"))

#To customize the appearance, play with layout


I want to draw a gorgeous graph

I want to make it more luxurious, so I will try to visualize it in various ways.

--Split the data by month and make a line graph of the changes in each data --Try to make a bar graph of the total number of passengers for each year

#Knead the data a little
ts_data_monthly = df.groupby("month")["passengers"].apply(list)
ts_sum_yearly = df.groupby("year")["passengers"].sum()
#I want to make multiple line graphs
1     [112, 115, 145, 171, 196, 204, 242, 284, 315, ...
2     [118, 126, 150, 180, 196, 188, 233, 277, 301, ...
3     [132, 141, 178, 193, 236, 235, 267, 317, 356, ...
4     [129, 135, 163, 181, 235, 227, 269, 313, 348, ...
5     [121, 125, 172, 183, 229, 234, 270, 318, 355, ...
6     [135, 149, 178, 218, 243, 264, 315, 374, 422, ...
7     [148, 170, 199, 230, 264, 302, 364, 413, 465, ...
8     [148, 170, 199, 242, 272, 293, 347, 405, 467, ...
9     [136, 158, 184, 209, 237, 259, 312, 355, 404, ...
10    [119, 133, 162, 191, 211, 229, 274, 306, 347, ...
11    [104, 114, 146, 172, 180, 203, 237, 271, 305, ...
12    [118, 140, 166, 194, 201, 229, 278, 306, 336, ...
Name: passengers, dtype: object
#I want to make a bar graph
1949    1520
1950    1676
1951    2042
1952    2364
1953    2700
1954    2867
1955    3408
1956    3939
1957    4421
1958    4572
1959    5140
1960    5714
Name: passengers, dtype: int64
#label(x axis)
ts_labels = ts_sum_yearly.index
Int64Index([1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959,
           dtype='int64', name='year')

Let's visualize it. I played with the layout a little.

fig = go.Figure()

#Make a line graph for monthly time series data
for month, passengers in ts_data_monthly.iteritems():
    fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=ts_labels, y=passengers, name=str(month)+"Month", yaxis='y2'))

#Make a bar graph for the yearly total
fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=ts_labels, y=ts_sum_yearly.values, name="total", yaxis="y1"))

#To customize the appearance, play with layout
#Since there are two axes, there is no memory
        "text": "Passenger number time series data",
        "y": 0.9
        "title": "Number of passengers(total)",
        "side": "left",
        "title": "Number of passengers(By month)",
        "side": "right",
        "overlaying": "y",


You can flutter the legend. It's amazing to be able to draw a graph that can be moved a little with such a small amount of code ...


Donuts (cute)

import numpy as np

ts_sum_monthly = df.groupby("month")["passengers"].sum()
#Make it look like a moon-cut pizza with the most passengers
pull[np.argmax(ts_sum_monthly.values)] = 0.2

fig = go.Figure()
    labels=[str(month) + "Month" for month in ts_sum_monthly.index],
        "text": "Percentage of passengers(1949~1960 total)",
        "y": 0.9


Create a pie chart for the total number of passengers each year

from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

specs = [[{'type':'domain'}, {'type':'domain'}, {'type':'domain'}, {'type':'domain'}] for _ in range(3)]
# 3*Divide the graph into 4 grids
fig = make_subplots(rows=3, cols=4, specs=specs)

#The position of the label title in each pie chart of the label
pos_x = [0.09, 0.37, 0.63, 0.91]
pos_y = [0.9, 0.5, 0.1]
annotations = []  

# (row, col)Place a pie chart at the position of
row = 0
for i, (year, df_yearly) in enumerate(df.groupby(["year"])[["month","passengers"]]):
    pull[np.argmax(df_yearly.passengers.values)] = 0.2
    col = i%4+1
    if col == 1:
        row += 1
        "text": str(year)+"Year",
        "x": pos_x[col-1],
        "y": pos_y[row-1],
        "font_size": 10,
        labels=[str(month) + "Month" for month in df_yearly.month.values],
    row, col

        "text": "Percentage of passengers(Yearly)",
        "y": 0.9


the end

Am I the only one who is happy that the graphs work? Next time I would like to summarize a web framework called dash that allows you to create dashboards with plotly.

The site that I used as a reference

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