I tried using "Asciichart Py" which can draw a beautiful graph on the console with Python.

Screen Shot 2020-09-12 at 2.18.23.png


Speaking of graphs, matplotlib is probably the most famous, but AsciiChart draws graphs as ASCII characters directly on the console. There is a convenient library called. At first glance, I couldn't find an article that seems to be introduced in Qiita yet, so I thought it would be helpful as much as possible, so I wrote it.


Install ʻasciichartpy` with the pip command.

$ pip install asciichartpy

Sample code

This is the sample source used in the image at the top. You can configure various things with the parameter cfg, but in this example, I changed the color of series.

import asciichartpy

from math import cos
from math import pi

import random #Postscript 2020/09/14 Thank you for pointing out

if __name__ == '__main__':
    width = 120

    config = {
        'colors': [

        series=[[random.randint(1, 15) * cos(i * ((pi * 4) / width)) for i in range(width)],
                [random.randint(1, 15) * cos(i * ((pi * 2) / width)) for i in range(width)],
                [random.randint(1, 15) * cos(i * ((pi * 9) / width)) for i in range(width)]],


I hope you find it helpful. Thank you very much.

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