[PYTHON] I want to make matplotlib a dark theme

By default, matplotlib has a pure white background as shown in the image below, and if you look at it for a long time, it will hurt your eyes, so I want to change it to a different color. It is said that the preset style sheet can be used, so I will write down how to use it easily.




import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Style sheet list



You can get a list of available stylesheets as an array. The contents of the array are as follows.



The black one is cooler, so the dark_background looks good.

Apply style



After applying the style in this one line first, all you have to do is draw a graph or display an image as usual.

Try drawing a sine curve

In such a case, the sine curve and the market price are fixed, so let's draw it and check it.


import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 200)
y = np.sin(x)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(x, y)


think that's good.

However, I feel that it is a little too black. I'm a little worried that the file name of this image is dark_sin.png and it's too sinful.

Simple self-made style sheet

I didn't intend to make my own style sheet, but I'll play with it a little.

You can find the folder containing the stylesheet by going down to Lib / site-packages / matplotlib / mpl-data / stylelib / from the python folder. There is a file called dark_background.mplstyle in it. Open. The contents are as follows.


# Set black background default line colors to white.

lines.color: white
patch.edgecolor: white

text.color: white

axes.facecolor: black
axes.edgecolor: white
axes.labelcolor: white
axes.prop_cycle: cycler('color', ['8dd3c7', 'feffb3', 'bfbbd9', 'fa8174', '81b1d2', 'fdb462', 'b3de69', 'bc82bd', 'ccebc4', 'ffed6f'])

xtick.color: white
ytick.color: white

grid.color: white

figure.facecolor: black
figure.edgecolor: black

savefig.facecolor: black
savefig.edgecolor: black

As you can see, each item is just assigned a color, which is not too difficult. If you replace all the blacks in this file with another slightly milder black, you're likely to get the stylesheet you want. Look at the color code list and select an appropriate color. It looks good around 2e2e2e, so copy this file and replace all black with 2e2e2e and save it in the same folder with a filename such as gray_background.mplstyle.


# Set 2e2e2e background default line colors to white.

lines.color: white
patch.edgecolor: white

text.color: white

axes.facecolor: 2e2e2e
axes.edgecolor: white
axes.labelcolor: white
axes.prop_cycle: cycler('color', ['8dd3c7', 'feffb3', 'bfbbd9', 'fa8174', '81b1d2', 'fdb462', 'b3de69', 'bc82bd', 'ccebc4', 'ffed6f'])

xtick.color: white
ytick.color: white

grid.color: white

figure.facecolor: 2e2e2e
figure.edgecolor: 2e2e2e

savefig.facecolor: 2e2e2e
savefig.edgecolor: 2e2e2e

Apply your own style

If you reopen the shell and check with plt.style.available, gray_background is newly added. Plot the sine curve as in the example.


import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 200)
y = np.sin(x)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(x, y)


Now it's pretty gray.

Even if you want to apply your own style like this, basically, if you make minor changes to your liking by referring to the preset style sheet, it will not take much effort.

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