Set the axis label, range, and scale.
import sys
from PySide.QtCore import *
from PySide.QtGui import *
import pyqtgraph as pg
class GraphWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent = None):
super(GraphWindow, self).__init__(parent)
#1 Create a PlotWidget
#3 Set the border and axis direction of PlotWidget
pw = pg.PlotWidget(viewBox = pg.ViewBox(border = pg.mkPen(color='#000000'),
invertX = False, invertY = True))
#1 Set the widget in the window
#3 Set the background color(#FFFFFF00 : Transparent)
##3 Fix the size of the graph
pw.setMinimumSize(500, 400)
pw.setMaximumSize(500, 400)
#1 Call plotItem
##4 Set Graph Frame
p1 = pw.plotItem
##Set the 4-axis label
p1.setLabels(bottom = "X Axis",
left = "Y1 Axis")
##Set the font for 4-axis labels
fontCss = {'font-family': "Times New Roman,Meiryo", 'font-size': '10.5pt', "color": "black"}
##4 Set the graph range
##If you want to make a margin, change the padding value
p1.setRange(xRange = (-2, 6), yRange = (-2, 6), padding = 0)
##Set the 4-axis scale
p1.getAxis('bottom').setTickSpacing(major = 2.5, minor = 1)
#1 Draw a scatter plot and a line graph
#2 Set the plot details
p1.addItem(pg.PlotCurveItem(x = [0, 1, 2, 3 ,4],
y = [0, 1, 2, 3 ,4],
pen = pg.mkPen(color = "r", style = Qt.SolidLine),
antialias = True))
p1.addItem(pg.ScatterPlotItem(x = [0, 1, 2, 3 ,4],
y = [4, 3, 2, 1, 0],
symbol = "x",
pen = pg.mkPen(None),
brush = pg.mkBrush("b"),
size = 7.5,
antialias = True))
##4 Set the color and font of the graph scale and the position of the axis label.
def setGraphFrameFont(self, p1, p2 = None, p3 = None, ax3 = None):
font = QFont("Times New Roman", 7)
p1.getAxis('bottom').setHeight(3 * 10.5)
p1.getAxis('left').setWidth(4.5 * 10.5)
p1.getAxis('bottom').tickFont = font
p1.getAxis('left').tickFont = font
if p2 != None:
p1.getAxis('right').setWidth(4.5 * 10.5)
p1.getAxis('right').tickFont = font
if p3 != None and ax3 != None:
ax3.setWidth(4.5 * 10.5)
ax3.tickFont = font
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Create a Qt Application
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
#Create and display form
mainWin = GraphWindow()
#Start the main loop of Qt
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