[PYTHON] [PyQt] Display a multi-axis graph with QtChart


Until now, pyqtgraph was used to display and create graphs in Python. However, it seems that it has not been updated in the last 3 years, so I want to switch to the one supported by Qt anyway, so QtChart I tried using /qtcharts-index.html).



$ pip install PyQt5

$ pip install PyQtChart

Created sample


I created the time on the X-axis and the current / voltage on the Y-axis.

The source is as follows.


import random
import sys

from PyQt5.QtChart import (QChart,
from PyQt5.QtCore import (QDateTime,
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

cur_series = QLineSeries()
vol_series = QLineSeries()
now = QDateTime.currentDateTime()

#Create appropriate data
for i in range(100):
    cur = 5 * random.random()
    vol = 20 * random.random()
    time = now.addSecs(i).toMSecsSinceEpoch()  #Processing to append to QLineSeries
    cur_series.append(time, cur)
    vol_series.append(time, vol)

chart = QChart()

#Create X axis
time_axis_x = QDateTimeAxis()
chart.addAxis(time_axis_x, Qt.AlignBottom)

#Create Y1 axis
cur_axis_y = QValueAxis()
cur_axis_y.setLinePenColor(cur_series.pen().color())  #Make the axis and chart colors the same
cur_axis_y.setRange(0, 5)
chart.addAxis(cur_axis_y, Qt.AlignLeft)

#Create Y2 axis
vol_axis_y = QValueAxis()
vol_axis_y.setLinePenColor(vol_series.pen().color())  #Make the axis and chart colors the same
vol_axis_y.setRange(0, 20)
chart.addAxis(vol_axis_y, Qt.AlignRight)

cur_vol_chart_view = QChartView()
cur_vol_chart_view.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing)  #To display the chart smoothly


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