[PYTHON] [Verification] Try to align the point cloud with the optimization function of pytorch Part 1


I recently learned pytorch so I'll play with it.

All you have to do is align the point cloud.

For the purpose, I personally have the image that icp tends to fall into a local solution, Isn't pytorch's state-of-the-art optimization function going pretty good? I will try it with the fluffy expectation.

The flow is as follows.

for Each point in point cloud B
   1.Transformation matrix$P = [R|t]$To define.
Alignment is performed by optimizing this parameter.
   2.Calculate the nearest neighbor of the point cloud and get the set of the closest points.
   3.Transformation matrix$P$The points of point cloud B to which
The points closest to the point cloud A, these two, are evaluated by the loss function.
   4.Optimization process
Optimized transformation matrix$P$Apply and run from 1 again

Verify with the following flow.

1.Prepare two same point clouds and only move (adjust 3D parameters)
2.Prepare two same point clouds and perform only rotation (adjustment of 9-dimensional parameters)
3.Prepare two same point clouds and rotate / move (12-dimensional parameter adjustment)
3.Prepare two different point clouds and rotate / move (12-dimensional parameter adjustment)
3.Add noise to the other side, prepare two different point clouds, and rotate / move (12-dimensional parameter adjustment)


I wrote that, but I failed at the first stage. I'm not used to pytorch yet, so maybe something is missing.


    import copy
    import numpy as np
    import open3d as o3d
    import random
    import math
    import torch.nn as nn
    import torch.nn.functional as F
    import torch
    import torch.optim as optim
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    epoch = 1000

    def getPLYfromNumpy(nplist):
        pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
        pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(nplist)
        return pcd

    def write_point_cloud(path, pcl):
        assert o3d.io.write_point_cloud(path, pcl), "write pcl error : " + path

    def read_point_cloud(path):
        pcl = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(path)
        if len(pcl.points) == 0: assert False, "load pcl error : " + path
        return pcl

    def Register_EachPoint_RT(pclA, pclB,testP,criterion,optimizer):
        history = {
            'train_loss': [],
            'test_acc': [],

        transP = torch.tensor(
            [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
        params = [transP]
        optimizer = optimizer(params)

        kd_tree_A = o3d.geometry.KDTreeFlann(pclA)
        cnt = 0
        #Try it in points
        for j in range(epoch):
            for didx in range(len(pclB.points)):
                cnt += 1
                #Nearest neighbor calculation
                [_, Aidx1, _] = kd_tree_A.search_knn_vector_3d(pclB.points[didx], 1)
                ptA_sample = pclA.points[Aidx1[0]]
                ptB_sample = pclB.points[didx]

                #Homogeneous coordinates
                ptA_sample = np.array([ptA_sample[0], ptA_sample[1], ptA_sample[2], 1])
                ptB_sample = np.array([ptB_sample[0], ptB_sample[1], ptB_sample[2], 1])
                ptA_sample = ptA_sample.reshape(4, 1)
                ptB_sample = ptB_sample.reshape(4, 1)

                A_tor = torch.tensor(ptA_sample.tolist(), requires_grad=False)
                B_tor = torch.tensor(ptB_sample.tolist(), requires_grad=False)
                answer = A_tor
                output = torch.mm(transP, B_tor)

                loss = criterion(answer, output)


                # print( j, cnt, " :error= ", loss.item(),"\n",transP)
                ls = np.linalg.norm(testP - transP.to('cpu').detach().numpy().copy())


        print(" :error= ", loss.item(),"\t Error with the correct transformation matrix= ",ls)

        plt.plot(range(1, cnt + 1), history['train_loss'], label='train_loss')

        plt.plot(range(1, cnt + 1), history['test_acc'], label='test_acc')

        return transP

    def Register_EachPoint_T(pclA, pclB,testP,criterion,optimizer):
        history = {
            'train_loss': [],
            'test_acc': [],

        transP = torch.tensor([[0.0], [0.0], [0.0]],requires_grad=True)
        params = [transP]
        optimizer = optimizer(params)

        kd_tree_A = o3d.geometry.KDTreeFlann(pclA)
        cnt = 0

        #Try it in points
        for j in range(epoch):
            for didx in range(len(pclB.points)):
                cnt += 1
                #Get the point of point cloud A closest to each point of point cloud B
                [_, Aidx1, _] = kd_tree_A.search_knn_vector_3d(pclB.points[didx], 1)
                ptA_sample = pclA.points[Aidx1[0]]
                ptB_sample = pclB.points[didx]

                #Homogeneous coordinates
                ptA_sample = np.array([ptA_sample[0], ptA_sample[1], ptA_sample[2]])
                ptB_sample = np.array([ptB_sample[0], ptB_sample[1], ptB_sample[2]])
                ptA_sample = ptA_sample.reshape(3, 1)
                ptB_sample = ptB_sample.reshape(3, 1)

                #Convert each point to Tensor
                A_tor = torch.tensor(ptA_sample.tolist(), requires_grad=False)
                B_tor = torch.tensor(ptB_sample.tolist(), requires_grad=False)

                #Adjust point cloud B to match point cloud A.
                answer = A_tor
                output = (B_tor + transP)

                #Loss calculation->optimisation
                loss = criterion(answer, output)

                #Comparison with the correct transformation matrix. (0 is desirable)
                ls = np.linalg.norm(testP - transP.to('cpu').detach().numpy().copy())


            print(" :error= ", loss.item(), "\t Error with the correct transformation matrix= ", ls)

            #Reflect the adjustment result->Nearest neighbor calculation again in the next loop
            nptransP = transP.to('cpu').detach().numpy().copy().reshape(1,3)
            pclB = getPLYfromNumpy(pclB.points + nptransP)

        plt.plot(range(1, cnt + 1), history['train_loss'], label='train_loss')

        plt.plot(range(1, cnt + 1), history['test_acc'], label='test_acc')

        return transP

    POINT_NUM = 1024

    # http://graphics.stanford.edu/data/3Dscanrep/
    pclA = read_point_cloud("bun000.ply")
    A = np.array(pclA.points)
    A = np.array(random.sample(A.tolist(), POINT_NUM))

    #A point group with a slightly higher difficulty level. Maybe this can't be done yet ...
    # pclB = read_point_cloud("bun045.ply")
    # B = np.array(pclB.points)
    # B = np.array(random.sample(B.tolist(), POINT_NUM))
    # #Add noise
    # B += np.random.randn(POINT_NUM, 3) * 0.005
    # #Granting unordered point cloud
    # np.random.shuffle(B)
    # pclB_sample = getPLYfromNumpy(B)

    pclA_sample = getPLYfromNumpy(A)
    T_Projection = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0.5],
                       [0, 1, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 1, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    T_translation = np.array([[T_Projection[0][3]], [T_Projection[1][3]], [T_Projection[2][3]]])
    pclA_trans_sample = getPLYfromNumpy(A).transform(T_Projection)

    write_point_cloud("A_before.ply", pclA_sample)
    write_point_cloud("A_rot_before.ply", pclA_trans_sample)

    def testEstimateT(pclA_sample,pclA_trans_sample,T_translation):
        optimizer = optim.Adam
        # MSELoss
        transP = Register_EachPoint_T(pclA_sample, pclA_trans_sample, T_translation, nn.MSELoss(),optimizer)
        T_res = np.array([[1, 0, 0, transP[0]],
                          [0, 1, 0, transP[1]],
                          [0, 0, 1, transP[2]],
                          [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        pclA_res = copy.copy(pclA_trans_sample)
        pclA_res = pclA_res.transform(T_res)
        write_point_cloud("TOnlytest_A_rot_after_MSELoss.ply", pclA_res)

        # # L1Loss
        # transP = Register_EachPoint_T(pclA_sample, pclA_trans_sample, T_translation, nn.L1Loss(),optimizer)
        # T_res = np.array([[1, 0, 0, transP[0]],
        #                   [0, 1, 0, transP[1]],
        #                   [0, 0, 1, transP[2]],
        #                   [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        # pclA_res = copy.copy(pclA_trans_sample)
        # pclA_res = pclA_res.transform(T_res)
        # write_point_cloud("TOnlytest_A_rot_after_L1Loss.ply", pclA_res)

    def testEstimateRT(pclA_sample,pclA_trans_sample,T_Projection):
        optimizer = optim.Adam
        # MSELoss
        transP = Register_EachPoint_RT(pclA_sample, pclA_trans_sample, T_Projection, nn.MSELoss(),optimizer)
        transP = transP.to('cpu').detach().numpy().copy()
        pclA_res = copy.copy(pclA_trans_sample)
        pclA_res = pclA_res.transform(transP)
        write_point_cloud("RTtest_A_rot_after_MSELoss.ply", pclA_res)

    testEstimateT(pclA_sample, pclA_trans_sample, T_translation)
    # testEstimateRT(pclA_sample, pclA_trans_sample, T_Projection)


Let's see the output result of the loss function. Looking at this, it seems that it converges to 0 in a blink of an eye. train_loss.png

And this is a comparison of the transformation matrix output by optimization and the correct transformation matrix. test_acc.png

... I think I've dropped a little at first, but I'm hungry all the time. It is a large error of 0.5. I also output a point cloud, but I will omit it because it was only a little closer.


There are no outliers and there are only 3 dimensions, but why? I feel like I'm simply making a mistake in using pytorch. If you know, please contact me.

Next, we will study PointNet LK, which is an extension of PointNet's T-net. https://github.com/wentaoyuan/it-net https://www.slideshare.net/naoyachiba18/pointnetlk-robust-efficient-point-cloud-registration-using-pointnet-167874587

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