[PYTHON] Try to solve the function minimization problem using particle swarm optimization

Particle swarm optimization

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a type of swarm intelligence and is used for combinatorial optimization problems as a solution search method. The search proceeds by repeating the update of two pieces of information, the velocity and position of the particle. The figure below is an image of particle swarm optimization. pso2.png


The algorithm for particle swarm optimization is as follows. スクリーンショット 2019-11-25 15.33.15.png

Renewal formula

The velocity and position of the particles are updated by the following update formula. Simply put, velocity represents the direction in which the particle evolves, and position represents the parameters of the particle itself. スクリーンショット 2019-11-25 15.35.13.png


Let's actually solve the optimization problem. This time

x^2 + y^2

Let's solve the minimization problem of. Therefore, (x, y) = (0,0) is the optimal solution. The code used is as follows.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import random

#Evaluation function
def evaluate(particle):
    z = 0
    for i in range(len(particle)):
        z += particle[i] ** 2
    return z

#Position update
def update_position(particle, velocity):
    new_particle = particle + velocity
    return new_particle

#Speed update
def update_velocity(particle, velocity, pbest, gbest, w=0.5, max=0.15):
    new_velocity = np.array([0.0 for i in range(len(particle))])
    #new_velocity = [0.0 for i in range(len(particle))]
    r1 = random.uniform(0, max)
    r2 = random.uniform(0, max)
    for i in range(len(particle)):
        new_velocity[i] = (w * float(velocity[i]) + r1 * (float(pbest[i]) - float(particle[i])) + r2 * (float(gbest[0]) - float(particle[i])))

    return new_velocity

def main():
    N = 100 #Number of particles
    length = 2  #Number of dimensions
    para_max = 100  #Maximum value of parameter
    #Initialization of particle position
    ps = [[random.uniform(-para_max, para_max) for j in range(length)] for i in range(N)]
    vs = [[0.0 for j in range(length)] for i in range(N)]
    #Personal vest
    personal_best_position = ps
    #Personal best rating
    personal_best_scores = [evaluate(p) for p in ps]
    #Index of the particle with the lowest evaluation value
    best_particle = np.argmin(personal_best_scores)
    #Global best
    global_best_position = personal_best_position[best_particle]

    generation = 30 #Maximum number of generations
    #Loop for several generations
    for t in range(generation):
        file = open("data/pso/pso" + str(t+1) + ".txt", "w")
        #Particle number minute loop
        for n in range(N):
            #File writing
            file.write(str(ps[n][0]) + " " + str(ps[n][1]) + "\n")
            #Particle velocity update
            vs[n] = update_velocity(ps[n], vs[n], personal_best_position[n], global_best_position)
            #Update particle position
            ps[n] = update_position(ps[n], vs[n])

            #Calculate the evaluation value and find the personal best
            score = evaluate(ps[n])
            if score < personal_best_scores[n]:
                personal_best_scores[n] = score
                personal_best_position[n] = ps[n]
        #Update the global best
        best_particle = np.argmin(personal_best_scores)
        global_best_position = personal_best_position[best_particle]


if __name__ == '__main__':

Experimental result

The 1,10,20, and 30th generation individuals are color-coded and plotted in the figure. You can see that the particles converge to (0,0) as the generation progresses. PSO.png

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